Weekend Love Forecast – Fools Rush In (Measure Twice, Cut Once?)

Venus and MarsFriday night, the Mars-ruled Aries Moon trines Leo Venus and conjoins Chiron. Venus perfects its quincunx to retro Saturn; then Mercury, under its own rule in Virgo, quincunxes retro Pluto.

The collective mood is active and pleasure seeking, fiery and ready to take on the world. READY is the key word, ready through experience and raring to go. Communications, news, and the senses are profoundly affected and affecting as they take on the flavor of electric intensity.

What stays and what goes? We edit based on what we can carry into the future and what will make a difference there: the practicalities that matter when you care about yourself and others. Trust that’s meant for us will find us in the long run, so hold onto your principles and values. They make us who we are. Hold fast. Stand up to pressure. And yet, edit savagely. Weed and thin: crops need space and air.

All weekend, Mercury moves in square to Mercury-ruled Gemini Mars. Expect things to get complicated. Expect traffic snarls and communication gaps, missteps and overcorrections; however, you’ll also find you’re back on your feet in double quick time. There’s more than one way to do everything. So if the first doesn’t work, try another. Improve with trial and error.

Consider the idea that challenges will moderate and re-order our attitude and approach, and that the fastest way between two points is not always the direct route.

On Saturday, the Venus-ruled Taurus Moon trines Mercury then goes on to square the self-ruled Leo Sun by night. Make plans and touch base before heading out, so you’re more likely to avoid any minor dramas if the ball gets dropped. Minor dramas may include having to wait too long while your tummy growls because somebody didn’t make reservations (or went to the grocery store without a proper list).

In fact, pre-function every function with a hearty meal or snacks in your bag. Impromptu picnics and jolly antics are a self-perpetuating joy machine and quite possibly the main event when you satisfy basic needs and desires first.

It’s no fun if you’re cranky. Give yourself the permission you need to slow down and set the stage for play. You’re writing the story you’ll act, alone or together, so don’t skip steps. When we’re satisfied, we shine.

By Sunday afternoon, the Taurus Moon sextiles retro Saturn then squares Venus. Limit your expectations for an easy day, and offer them up to fate. Scale back on control and micromanaging timing, and you may be offered another way to win. “First one, then the other” is a strong goal for getting what you want. “My way or the highway” is not a good look. “Fools rush in”, so take your time. Rushing may cost you time in the long run.

Do you have any weekend plans?

4 thoughts on “Weekend Love Forecast – Fools Rush In (Measure Twice, Cut Once?)”

  1. Thanks for this post. I relate to all that is said here. I love the title “Measure Twice, cut Once”. That is so true in so many circumstances, not just building something. I have been downsizing and packing to move across the country. I have been doing this for several months now while I prepare my home for sale. I have already packed up my artistic supplies after going through them and deleting some that I have decided I will not do any longer, mostly so I don’t have so much to move so far. After more packing I realized I have way too many boxes packed, so this morning I am going to unpack several of them and slim them down some more. Things I have previously decided to keep are now going to leave. Being a artist, one accumulates a lot of supplies. So actually I am measuring several times and cutting several times. Hopefully this is still as good for me as it feels. I know my life is changing and the downsizing is really a difficult process because of the decisions that need to be made, very exhausting. Pluto moving back to my Venus/Nadir is definitely helping, although the letting go is a challenge. At least the future will have less baggage and ‘stuff’. 🙂

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