Weekend Love Forecast – Idealizing Electric Desires

one pearl earringRetro Mercury in Leo spends Friday night perfecting its sextile to Mars in Mercury-ruled Gemini, with Mars holding its own sextile to retro Chiron in Mars-ruled Aries (exact Saturday). The opportunity to identify and grasp another way to succeed is ripe. How have I not seen this before? To change minds and alter attitudes, follow your training and give it another shot. Lean in to the tandem shot work-around.

Don’t rely on how you’ve always done things or made decisions about doing things. Lay it out again in your mind and see if there are avenues you’ve missed. Maybe you can’t get from point A to point B directly: Try A to C to B. Widen your repertoire.

Friday night, the Moon moves from Aries to Taurus, from action to desire. The Moon squares retro Pluto then trines the Sun in Virgo. If you’re grounded by inertia or defeat, distract yourself till cravings drive movement. A little self talk goes a mile. Don’t dig in; don’t get in your own way. Give in to your own hunger and it will take you halfway there in a flash.

On Saturday, Mars perfects its sextile to retro Chiron by midday. So the morning is perfect for lining up tasks and knocking them out. It’s particularly attuned to picking back up with things you’ve let slide or didn’t know how to deal with in the first place.

All weekend long, Venus in Virgo heads into trine with Uranus in Taurus and opposition to retro Neptune in Pisces. Fantasy leads to hunger, and hunger leads to fantasy. An electric drive builds an avid appetite. Impulsivity could misdirect desire, particularly if the true object is coy or unavailable.

That’s still a choice. Remember that.

Saturday night, the Taurus Moon sextiles retro Saturn in Pisces. Why settle for burgers when you have steak at home? Hold out for the real deal, whatever the real deal means to you. Anything less won’t satisfy. A little bit of waiting (or a tiny bit of self-denial) pays off big time.

On Sunday, the Taurus Moon squares retro Mercury then it trines Venus, conjoins Uranus, and goes on to oppose Neptune. The plan may not go smoothly at first, but give it time. This yearning will not be denied! Keep your eyes on the prize but scrutinize the details surrounding it. Look again, see beyond the mirage to the ideal.

By nighttime, the Moon leaves Taurus for Mercury-ruled Gemini and a trine to retro Pluto. Subtract whatever doesn’t fit the bigger picture and peel away the dead outer layers that muffle your sensitivity. Not allowing yourself to consciously acknowledge what you need won’t help you, but taking steps to understand yourself through your needs will. Even this first step satisfies.

Do you have any weekend plans? Any hidden or obscured desires?

5 thoughts on “Weekend Love Forecast – Idealizing Electric Desires”

  1. I’m having rebellious impulses to shake loose the hard won stability, and be a new comer … somewhere else, or become someone else😏


  2. Cancerian Moonchild

    I’m having the impulsivity to get a cat.. I let my mom keep my fur baby and I’m getting a little lonely by myself. Would love a cute little snugglebug. I thought about this yesterday night that if I gravitate towards a cat when I take Titus to the vet, I might just say eff it and snag them lol.

    & also, “why settle for burgers when you have steaks at home… A little bit of waiting (or a tiny bit of self-denial) pays off big time.” THIS. I so relate to that. I’ve been waiting and denying some things for so long, what’s a little while longer? I think my Mars-Saturn square and my upbringing contributes to my discipline when I make it work for me and not against me.

    1. 😂I may or may not be in courtship with a mars-saturn man and the brake pedal vibes at times are incredible. This made me laugh and brought some relief/perspective. Not to mention I have Venus square Saturn sooo, *raises hands in surrender* lol

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