Weekend Love Forecast – Irritating Or Sensual?

pink pearlyFriday night, the Pluto-ruled Scorpio Moon cruises along in approach to Venus as the Venus-ruled Libra placements continue in square to Mars in Cancer. Mars also tunes to Scorpio frequencies, so if you find a route into flow, go for it. Why grind your gears when you can slip and slide?

Libra Mercury squares Mars through early Sunday, but the Libra Sun holds its aspect for another week. Be gentle with your communications and remember that actions are also communications. Hurt feelings are no joke. If you know you’ve been short or harsh, or if you’ve been rash in action — apologize. Make it right. Make it balance. Don’t wait to be approached; take charge. We all know better.

You understand the magic of making up, right? Turning bad tension to good tension creates pleasure, creates satisfaction. It also creates or reforms bonds.

Saturday night, the Scorpio Moon trines Mars then moves on to the point of a yod from the Gemini Jupiter and retro Aries Chiron sextile. Even where there’s no squabble, the deeply charged eroticism of the moment is cardinally activated, and Mars moves closer into trine with Venus. Go with the tried and true, but don’t shy away from an invitation to take it further. There’s always more to learn.

On Sunday, the Scorpio Moon spends all morning in opposition to retro Uranus in Taurus and perfects a trine to retro Neptune in Pisces by afternoon. It then sextiles retro Pluto in Capricorn, a titillating procession from shocking to dreamy to intense. Whatever mood you started in, there are plenty of chances to flip your boat around and take advantage of ideal seas. It’s a rousing mood, and you don’t have to stray far to enjoy it.

It can be more than fun. A mood like this brings up hidden eddies in the underneath. In a good way, in a way that’s actionable. Don’t just watch something float by, scoop it up and act; or even better, immerse yourself.

Sunday night, the Moon moves to Jupiter-ruled Sagittarius, fiery and fixed. There’s plenty to talk about and you may not feel like reeling yourself in. Consider whether you have any hurt feelings or fences to mend first. Otherwise, go for it!

Another route for addressing clashes is making amends along with changed behavior. Any time is a good time to start.

Do you have any weekend plans? How about any minor irritations or hurt feelings?

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