Weekend Love Forecast – More Honey With A Cunning Plan

Jane snow furWith Mercury in Scorpio and Venus now in early Sagittarius, we head toward spooky season in big-eyed delight. That is to say: Our eyes may be bigger than our stomach. The collective wants MORE, wants it ALL, and we all have our own little ways of figuring out how to set that in motion.

Past the full moon, the Sun in Libra continues in square to Capricorn Pluto, so we’re best off avoiding direct confrontation in pursuit of new horizons and goals. The power struggles may look winnable, but the collateral damage reduces those wins to nothing. Instead, put extra emphasis on doing your homework and finding a collaborative workaround. Normally you catch more bees with honey; but with Venus in Sadge and Jupiter in Gemini (and Mercury in Scorpio), you catch more bees with quick wit and a cunning plan.

All weekend, Cancer Mars moves in trine to Neptune in Pisces, and action is emotionally charged, nurturing, controlling, and spiritual. There’s no need to get in flow as flow is all around. Just stop staying OUT of flow and resisting the natural outlet, quietly moving through and on. This is perfect networking time for the less than gregarious. Your vibe is contagious. Weekend vibes are vibing.

Friday night, the Venus-ruled Taurus Moon makes its way to and through the midpoint of the retro-Chiron, retro Jupiter sextile. A placid, pleasure-seeking mood is perfect for tracking the sweet spot between a social whirlwind and the trained up hitter. It’s like standing right next to the kid who breaks open the piñata: You rake up the most candy. Be on the lookout to move in for the goodies.

Saturday night’s Mercury-ruled Gemini Moon opposes Sagittarius Venus. Variety is not always good thing. It can sometimes cause more problems than it solves. Narrowing down a target isn’t something to take lightly either, so allow yourself the distance it takes to circle around your options — engaging without a decisive move for enough time to gauge what direction the wind is blowing (and if it’s blowing hard enough to feed a fire). It’s a social dance and a sport all on its own. This kind of provocative play only heightens the appetite and strengthens the connection.

What you want to avoid on Saturday night: Don’t pester anyone or move in too fast. You might spark a runner!

Sunday’s Gemini Moon heads into square with retro Saturn in Pisces (exact midday). A Sunday morning Moon-Saturn square sounds like a dud, but it doesn’t have to be. If you’re aware of the possibilities of frustration and blockage, a nimble Gemini mood can outmaneuver the defender. Pick and roll — see it coming, deal with the frustration, and move past with control.

Get your have-tos done early and blast off to follow up on something fun, as the Gemini Moon goes on to sextile retro Chiron and conjoin retro Jupiter by end of day. A little perspective goes a long, long way!

Do you have any weekend plans? How was your full moon experience?

If you’re wondering what’s coming up for the next few months (intense!) and how to plan for best advantage, check out our new Holiday Guide!

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