Weekend Love Forecast – Seeking Magic Beans

veg faceFriday night, the Mercury-ruled Virgo Moon moves past a trine to Taurus Jupiter and into opposition with Neptune, exact overnight. The Venus-ruled Taurus Sun heads into conjunction with Jupiter (exact midday Saturday) and sextile to Neptune (exact Sunday afternoon). As the mood chugs merrily along, enthused and immersed in relevant details AND flights of fancy, we’re invited to float and glide in distraction and diversion.

Meaning-making and what-ifs abound, but we’ll need to follow them past the ideal idea phase into tactile reality in order for them to fully satisfy. Still, the ideal possibilities are sweet and drive a good deal of genuine goal-making in the meantime. It’s likely we’ll find a way to carry that fantasy flavor through to the real thing. If you shoot for the Moon, you’ll get pretty far, even if you don’t hit the mark. It’s a delightful bit of fun either way.

Jupiter and Neptune spend the weekend in orb of a sextile as well. Hopes and dreams seem linked and within reach. Be generous with yourself and others. Broadcast goodwill and experience how it comes back around enhanced. Have faith that this is possible.

On Saturday, the Moon moves to Venus-ruled Libra and a trine to Aquarius Pluto: airy and prudently pleasant meets powerful and oddly relatable. Utilize the buzz, not just for yourself – but share it around. Swap stories and build a story with others. Cooperation makes for the best payout in balance and balance sheets. Love of all kinds is deepened in this way. We need something different than what has come before, so we let go of what doesn’t work to make way for what will. Nicely, with style.

Sunday, the Libra Moon opposes Aries Mars in the morning, then Chiron in the evening and night. There are some “have-tos” here, necessities moving along at a clip, but overall there’s satisfaction and mastery to be earned. The trouble may come along when there are more things that need doing (or people who need pleasing) than are possible in one go. Give grace to yourself and to others, and frustration will abate with movement and effort.

Throughout the day, the Libra Moon moves through square to Vesta in Moon-ruled Cancer. We may not have the option to initiate what suits our own purposes first. It can feel like our own desires always take a back seat to the demands of others. Maybe our time is not NOW, but that doesn’t mean it’s not soon – even in the course of the day. Vow to treat yourself as soon as you’ve handled what’s necessary. Your needs matter just as much as anyone’s, but tackle what’s timely first.

Do you have any weekend plans?

3 thoughts on “Weekend Love Forecast – Seeking Magic Beans”

  1. My first public kiosk of artwork is due for birthing at a local Farmers Market, Sunday. This has been a long time coming, with many many challenges.

    The stellium in Taurus is exactly conjunct my North Node -5th House of creativity 🤞🌱🪘Old patterns of self-sabotage need to go. Faith and sharing new stories for this persistent tutu(grandmother)
    Wish me luck🤝

  2. Sweet Moki!
    I too had an art show with others today! Sold two prices of hand built clay creations with live plants in them! Love working with my hands in clay and plants! Good luck!!!
    Creating art is magic!!!

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