Weekly Astrology: July 15-19, 2024 – Prelude to the Full Moon

Emma busMonday morning, Mars makes its exact conjunction to Uranus in Venus-ruled Taurus, after a weekend of chaotic action. Whether it’s a last blast or a solid close to errant antics remains to be seen, but the Pluto-ruled Scorpio Moon mood offers a counterpoint.

The Scorpio Moon spends the day in trine to retro Saturn in Pisces and highlights a square from Pallas Athena to Leo Mercury. If you come up on the high side of this mood, it’s easy to steer clear of the blowback. Those who gossip and judge may fall prey to a manipulative narrative that poisons clarity. It’s a rough news cycle, so take everything with a grain of salt – particularly the types of narrative you’re already inclined to favor.

Mercury trines Aries Chiron through Thursday, and it’s a “when you know better, do better” kind of situation. So know better, it’s a choice. This trine also aids in ferreting out the truth, but the truth can hurt. Hurt or not, that’s the way to improve your life going forward. It’s actually a fairly cheerful influence as you can readily feel its benefit.

On Tuesday, the Scorpio Moon trines the Cancer Sun, opposes Uranus and Mars, then trines retro Neptune in Pisces, all in orb of aspect to each other – a kite. In addition, Mercury heads into square with Uranus and Mars, so keep a cool head – even when others do not. Fire up your senses; move with intention and be prepared to think and act quickly. If you do, you’ll catch the best of this inspired and inspiring mood for divining your finest course.

Late Tuesday, the Moon moves to fiery Sagittarius and a sextile to retro Pluto. The pyrotechnical mood offers a giant edge for those who are willing to wield their inner power and seize a fleeting opportunity.

Wednesday’s Sagittarius Moon trines Leo Venus and opposes Sadge-ruler Jupiter in Gemini. Double air and twice the fire saturates the mood with fuel to succeed. We want more, need more, and see it out there to grab. Remember how it feels to have the future wide open? To feel you can succeed? It feels like life has attractive options and scintillating meaning, and it’s exceptionally motivating. Let it light a fire under you.

Thursday is when the sizzle begins to POP. The Sagittarius Moon squares retro Saturn and retro Neptune, but it also creates a grand trine in fire with Chiron and Mercury. SO, when you run into a blockage and confusion rules the mood, trust your senses and your training. Right in the thick of it, Venus opens a sextile to Jupiter and fortune smiles. Maybe we all get a little bit lucky, but some get a double dose on steroids.

Overnight, the Moon moves to Capricorn, and the Cap Moon sails on alone till afternoon. Get on with what needs to be done; a lull in the mood is the perfect time to put obligations solidly in your wake. Later, the Moon moves through the midpoint of the waxing Venus-Jupiter sextile: a motivating yod. Delights abound, but you’ll only feel them if you feel you deserve to. Desire is heightened regardless, but the middle path pays off. Do the right thing, then grab all the goodies. Like a piñata!

This coming Sunday’s full moon in Capricorn is a powerful one. It sextiles retro Neptune and conjoins retro Pluto, closely. VERY. This week it behooves us to take advantage of all the prep work we can manage. That includes all kinds of active attention, learning, and system improvements – including plenty of goal-centered planning. Some will come easily, but some will take effort. All of it can improve our outcomes with the full moon.

1 thought on “Weekly Astrology: July 15-19, 2024 – Prelude to the Full Moon”

  1. Thank you for this. It’s now Thursday night. I’ve spent the week preparing for a trip. Goal oriented action. We leave tomorrow for a Saturday wedding. I’m hoping all goes well for the couple.

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