Weekly Astrology: July 29 – August 2, 2024 – Desires Change

peachesMonday morning, the Venus-ruled Taurus Moon conjoins Uranus and sextiles retro Pisces Neptune, and the mood is electric sugar. In addition, Leo Venus in active trine to retro Chiron (exact Tuesday) promises a proud prize for primo improvements, so lean into the magic mood and leave room for myriad possibilities.

The Moon moves to Mercury-ruled Gemini by afternoon, opening with a trine to retro Pluto and following up with a square to Virgo Mercury. Curiosity didn’t kill the cat. That was curiosity at the expense of detailed awareness of its surroundings. So don’t do that. The mood is ripe for investigation though, as the Gemini Moon conjoins Mars overnight.

All week, Mercury chases a square to Gemini Mars, but it’s a race that lags. Usually Mercury moves more quickly than Mars, but this week it’s slowing to station retrograde on Sunday night. Pay attention to your surroundings and look both ways before making a move. What stands out? What is going on that doesn’t quite make sense? Make a mental note and ask others what they’re sensing.

On Tuesday, the Gemini Moon sextiles the Leo Sun in the morning, conjoins Jupiter midday, then squares retro Pisces Saturn by night. Goal-setting and meaning-making are refreshing and exciting and move the mood along like a house on fire. It’s possible to hold that jolly mood by keeping perspective and remembering that life plays on all different speeds. Some bump in the road is likely in the evening, and it’s a bump that spills the tea or douses the fire.

Venus squares Uranus through Friday morning, and desire is subject to chance. Flash change. Fickle impulses abound, but fleeting fancies may also facilitate freedom.

Wednesday, the Gemini Moon sextiles retro Chiron, sextiles Venus, then squares retro Neptune. So you’ve learned your lessons, got your eyes on the prize, maybe you’ve even gotten your prize. Then what? If you’re not careful, negative fantasies could ruin a perfectly good mood. Remember to appreciate what you worked hard for. It’s okay to fantasize about more, but don’t forget what you have.

The Moon moves to its own rule in Cancer Wednesday night, and sextiles Mercury till morning. Settle your tummy with a bit of thoughtful self care. Turn your thoughts to something entertaining rather than ruminating. Conversations bear lovely fruit, and galvanize warm friendship and loving bonds.

On Thursday, the Cancer Moon moves freely though the day, picking up a trine to retro Saturn by evening. The mood is boundaried flow, and we benefit from a supportive feeling of safety and protection.

Friday morning, Venus perfects its square to Uranus and the Cancer Moon finishes its trine to Saturn. Novelty isn’t always comfortable, but novelty can’t last. Comfort yourself with the idea that familiarity will settle tummies in time, and progress is worth it. Have faith.

Friday afternoon, the Cancer Moon squares retro Chiron then goes on to sextile Uranus and Juno. Insecurities can be troubling, but remember you’re up to the challenge. Is it anxiety you’re feeling or excitement? You may as well decide it’s excitement and learn to use it to your advantage rather than letting it take you down.

We’re coming up on a new moon in Leo this weekend, followed by Mercury stationing retrograde. This week as we head toward the dark of the Moon, we learn to value what we’ve accomplished and mastered. Perhaps our desires and targets should change to fit the new territory?

3 thoughts on “Weekly Astrology: July 29 – August 2, 2024 – Desires Change”

  1. Leaning into magic mood!,an option for magic seems like the box to check!thank box outlook,great thought to find thanks

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