Weekly Forecast: August 12-16, 2024 – Notes Before the Full Moon

saturnThe full moon is a week away, and I have some notes that are relevant this week. With the Mars-Jupiter conjunction square to retro Saturn, we might miss the early days of Venus coming in slowly to form a t-square. “Hurry up and wait” is the current tension, but let’s not just wait until the spring is fully wound and kicks back.

I suggest we keep an eye out for details that might otherwise slip by unnoticed, tasks left to slide, and money spent to relieve boredom or temporary irritations. In general, be more present in evaluating your urges. Keep up with correspondence and obligations, and don’t overspend.

It’s a mutable situation; with Saturn retrograde and Venus, Mars, and Jupiter in Mercury ruled signs (and Mercury being retrograde as well), stress is received and relieved internally as well as externally with a focus on shoring up the finer points with better data and doing the right thing. Folks may not always see where you’re impacted. Here’s another thought – ask for help. Did you already ask for help and it didn’t deliver? Ask again. Clarity doesn’t come on its own. Offering help is another solution, but only offer what you can deliver.

Uranus is involved in the full moon, so open your mind (now) to changing plans and changing direction (later).

On Monday, the Scorpio Moon moves from a trine to retro Saturn into square with the Leo Sun. It goes on to oppose Taurus Uranus then trines Pisces Neptune overnight. Consider this a soft preview of things to come. What and where is any uncertainty coming from? Listen to the download, and pay attention to what settles your tummy.

Tuesday’s fiery Sagittarius Moon sextiles retro Pluto in Aquarius straight out of the gate, so use that extra gas to find the high-minded work around to blast through the morning’s have-tos. Afternoon takes the Moon into square with retro Mercury in Virgo, then it squares Virgo Venus into the night. Capitalize on the morning’s momentum, and keep a cool head when faced with extra duties later in the day. Sadge Moon wants to GO, so handle those details on the fly! In any case, if you’re aware, there’s less inclination to spin out in the moment. Rise above, or make it a game.

Wednesday morning, Mars perfects its conjunction to Jupiter in Gemini, and the Sadge Moon forms a t-square with an opposition to Mars-Jupiter and a square to retro Saturn. Be prepared for “flying off the handle” – yours, others’, what-have-you. Tame the urge to run away, and tell the truth. You can’t control what others do, feel, or say; and you may find yourself reactive as well. Things may not feel kind or fair, but YOU can be kind and fair. Consider what you want for your own reputation and act accordingly.

Proceed with an optimistic heart as the Sagittarius Moon goes on to form a grand trine in fire with the Leo Sun and retro Chiron in Aries. Mercury heads back into Leo, so attitudes shift as well. Confidence is back on top, and you know how to handle this.

Thursday morning, the Sun trines retro Chiron exactly, and the Sadge Moon heads into square with retro Neptune and trine to retro Mercury. Pick up on any inclination to check out from reality or ignore next steps; you know better. You’ve got this!

The Moon moves to Saturn-ruled Capricorn by afternoon, and Mars perfects its square to retro Saturn in the night. Persistence pays off in satisfaction when in fact, you may just feel very tired of it all. Push it past the finish line. Do what you have to, even if it means retracing your steps and doing something again.

On Friday, the Capricorn Moon trines Virgo Venus. Count all the tangible reasons you have to feel proud of yourself, because it’s warranted. Consider that recognizing your own value just makes you a better helper, then it doesn’t feel so self-aggrandizing. You can take care of business and double the bonus by enjoying it. Afternoon takes the Cap Moon into sextile with retro Saturn, so keep on going as long as it feels right. Opportunities emerge to settle into a perfect-for-you groove, both familiar and soul-connected.

4 thoughts on “Weekly Forecast: August 12-16, 2024 – Notes Before the Full Moon”

  1. a royal Sun square Uranus (weak in Taurus) opposite Moon in Aq (human global conscience)… Looks like the Sun last blow over rebellious Uranus before it leaves Leo. Things are what they are, I am the king for everybody to see (Moon), no matter what.
    Mars Jupiter (exile) in Gem square strong though retrograde Merc in Virgo square Saturn retrograde in Pisces (diluted and lost). War over communications but with a lot of resistance? Control powers (Saturn) cannot quite suppress it despite helped by deadly Pluto in sextile.
    Just guessing

  2. Is not the US moon at 27 deg? It returns Monday, squaring Uranus.

    Seems we should see something changing Monday. May not like it…who knows.

  3. A friend’s chart, they have Mars Jupiter exact on their 7th house cusp

    which opposes their ascendant along with the moon conjunct there too at 16 degrees Sagittarius

    Then, they have natal North Node conjunct transiting Uranus!

    Wow, wonder what is going to go on in their life??? I was a bit shocked and concerned for them! Although, I suppose something very good could happen as well???

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