Weekly Forecast: February 5-9, 2024 – Aquarius New Moon

clouds landscapeThe week starts out with a fizz and a POP as Mercury conjoins Pluto in Aquarius and Capricorn Venus squares Aries Chiron. At the same time, the Jupiter-ruled Sagittarius Moon trines Chiron as the Aquarius Sun goes on to perfect its sextile to Chiron… with the Moon sextile the Sun. Quite a package.

The mood is the wild card that connects the hand. How do you react to challenge? What can you learn from gaffs and mistakes? Can you get past a snub or irritation if it means you can better your chances for the future? The important detail is the powerful seed of a plan. Is perspective your focus? Something is released in the air, a gas, growing till it meets its spark. Something bubbles up from within.

Powerful words, ideas, inklings are rising from the depths. Will they fizz or fizzle? It depends on what you’re taking in. Investigate and peruse from all sides. See things another way. See them with new eyes. Running towards and running away, the difference is perspective. What else might you do?

Mars in Capricorn sextiles Pisces Neptune through Wednesday. Follow the yellow brick road. Put one foot in front of the other and take a first step toward your dream. A step in any direction may tell you if you’re headed the right way. Hotter? Colder? Marco? Polo? Maybe your dream is possible, but you have to start somewhere. Allow for inspiration.

Venus continues in trine to Uranus through Wednesday, and the Sun perfects its square to Uranus early Thursday. Unknowns figure in highly this week. Now is the time to try on a new look… not just what you look like. Who do you want to BE? Nothing’s fixed just yet. Is there a change in your desires? What do you value about what you have? Where do you want a change to take you? Experiment, does something new bring you pleasure? It may be unsettling, but now is the time to check.

Monday night, the Sagittarius Moon squares Neptune, so don’t be surprised when you’re weary. Don’t try to draw any hard and fast conclusions right before bedtime. It will only take you on a wild snooze chase. Mercury squares Taurus Jupiter all week, so minds are hopping (and so are texting fingers and flapping mouths). Instead, close your eyes and spend your fantasy lottery winnings.

On Tuesday, the Capricorn Moon sextiles Saturn and trines Jupiter. Feeling grounded never felt so good, grounded yet full of beans. It’s just the right mood to take on the life-affirming challenges of the week. Yellow brick road, right?

Wednesday’s Capricorn Moon squares Chiron then goes on to conjoin Venus as both trine Uranus. This is hurts so good with both a present and a treat. A surprise! As Joseph Campbell said: The cave you fear to enter holds the treasure you seek. By nighttime, the Moon sextiles Neptune: sweet dreams, satisfying sleep (if you can let your mind rest).

Moving into Thursday, the Capricorn Moon gives way to an airy Aquarius Moon and a conjunction to Pluto then Mercury. It goes on to square Jupiter. This mood is less about conscious experimentation and more about paying attention to all the swirling options. Don’t be distracted by the theatrics, spot what’s NEW and different.

Friday morning, the Aquarius Moon sextiles Chiron. We are invited to chill. When we’ve learned good manners, we can put them aside for comfort. Mastery doesn’t make you a slave to the rules. Feel it. It feels coooool. Yet hot. It feels like making headway.

Then the Moon makes its way into conjunction with the Sun by midday/afternoon. The Aquarius new moon! With this new moon, it’s truly new. FRESH. The paradigm shifts, and we shift with it. AHA!

The new moon takes place at 20 Aquarius. Where does that hit your chart?

10 thoughts on “Weekly Forecast: February 5-9, 2024 – Aquarius New Moon”

  1. This new moon conjuncts my natal Chiron in 12th House. All my life, a lot of big stuff happens in February ! Thanks Satori for your weekly sum-up 😊

  2. I have my natal ASC at 19 Taurus. The new moon will be my first house and getting very close to my natal Uranus at 25 Taurus. Plus my natal Mars , 4th H in Leo.

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