Weekly Forecast: October 21-25, 2024 – Spooky Season Arrives

halloweenMonday’s Mercury ruled Gemini Moon squares retro Neptune in Pisces and trines the late Libra Sun before heading into its own rule in Cancer. Gut certainty may be obscured, but that doesn’t affect our ability to portray confidence.

All day long, the mood is supported by Scorpio Mercury’s trine to retro Saturn in Pisces, exact by night. So in addition to a general feeling of competence, the mind and senses are also solid. In fact, discernment and the ability to turn up rare discoveries seem almost physic or meant to be.

Through Tuesday morning, the Libra Sun continues in square to Capricorn Pluto, so confidence and competence are best displayed as quiet strength. That ego volatility is best expressed internally as Cancer Mars sextiles retro Uranus in Taurus (exact Thursday night) and brings unexpected opportunities to improve and level up.

Tuesday afternoon’s Cancer Moon forms a grand trine with retro Saturn and Mercury as the Sun moves from Libra to Scorpio. It’s a calculated flood of feeling and sensation, and an example of the positive power of water. This water nourishes, and the mood supports Mars’ trine to retro Neptune and its opposition to Pluto. Instead of the threat of violence or overwhelm, it’s possible to balance volcanic urges with life-giving water. Capricorn earth absorbs and gives form to the flood. Look for the opportunity to act — both in your own interest and for the collective. Look for the areas where both are true.

On Wednesday, the Cancer Moon first squares retro Chiron and then conjoins Mars, sextiles retro Uranus, trines retro Neptune, and opposes Pluto. A spark of discomfort sets off a chain reaction. Whatever feels like the problem is no match for your gut resources, so stay on the high side of action and wind up facing a better grade of ultimate challenge. The Moon then moves to Sun-ruled Leo and a square to the Scorpio Sun overnight. Whatever actions you take (or don’t), make sure you can feel good about who you are afterward.

Thursday’s Leo Moon trines Sagittarius Venus for a fiery, life-affirming burst of pleasure and fun. As the Mars-Uranus sextile peaks, the Leo Moon quincunxes retro Saturn. A chance to improve your situation is banked by a confident mood that heeds an internal moral authority. That’s not to say you won’t be tempted, but otherwise, where’s the win?

Friday morning, the Leo Moon squares Mercury then goes on to trine retro Chiron and sextile retro Jupiter in the afternoon. An early ego clash could arise from a difference of opinion, OR you just might not like what you think/see/hear or discover. Turning over rocks is a dicy deal, but it’s worth it if you learn something valuable. What seems like bad luck can turn to good luck with the right twist. Overnight, the Moon goes on to square retro Uranus, so anything goes!

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