Weekly Forecast: October 28 – November 1, 2024 – Scorpio New Moon

em ZachMonday morning, Cancer Mars perfects a trine to retro Neptune in Pisces as Sagittarius Venus finishes its grinding square to retro Saturn in Pisces. On its face, this set promises anesthetic for the sting of disappointing barriers to success. However, Mercury in Scorpio and Scorpio-ruler Pluto in Capricorn round out the picture with a plethora of possibilities.

Mercury trines both Mars and Neptune, and Mars approaches an opposition to Pluto. With this full picture, oh sure there are consequences — but we can see them coming and plan to fill in the gaps as they emerge. Barriers to immediate fulfillment may be daunting, but there are other ways to go. When one door closes — well, doors open and close all the time, and there are many doors in the world. Self pity would be a poor use of the energy. Moving forward with a mind truly deep and open is a much better one.

Devastating action is coming, by you or upon you. But you get a chance to see it setting up and perfect your aim. That is what you need to succeed, what you need to compete and prevail. I think most of us know what it is to be devastated. Alternately, have you ever had to devastate someone else? Sometimes it’s necessary for everyone involved.

Wednesday morning, Mercury begins its sextile to Pluto: Not only do we access more pithy, concrete clues, but we benefit from understanding loss and our fears of loss. Look for conversations or communications where you can have a flowing give and take on loss and fear, abandonment and shame. Give yourself a chance to sit with these themes and mull them over. These narratives will better inform our decisions for action. Wednesday afternoon, Mercury exactly opposes retro Uranus in Taurus. What you hear and even what you say may surprise or shock you.

Once Venus clears its square to Saturn on Monday, it goes on to trine retro Chiron in Aries and oppose retro Jupiter in Gemini all week. Grabbing that open minded philosophy and attitude can aid in internalizing a better way to go when faced with the choice to chase a bigger bounty. We are inclined to want A LOT. It’s fine to want a lot; it’s healthier to do it from an informed and pragmatic (trained up and mature) place.

In fact, as we head toward Friday morning’s new moon conjunction in Scorpio, the Scorpio Sun moves into trine with retro Saturn. As we train up, we mature. All this water needs an anchor, and this anchor depends on internal reserves we’ve built up over time. That’s what maturity is. Gravitas.

One thing to remember as the week progresses and energies compound is to respond with grace and attentiveness as our senses and mind wander over and under perceived reality. If you’re confused, slow down to a speed where you can process easily. When we want something, we can be keen to rush. It may even feel delightful with Mars-Mercury-Neptune in flow. However, nothing comes before its time, no matter what we do.


Monday morning’s Virgo Moon, Scorpio Mercury sextile enhances our ability to make the most of that Venus-Saturn frustration. The sextile takes place overnight into morning, so grab perspective when you wake. In fact, dreams may facilitate such, even if they’re challenging. Look for the hidden message (or lucid dream). The Virgo Moon goes on to trine retro Uranus, oppose Neptune, sextile Mars, then trine Pluto by night. Make up your mind to utilize a practical mood to improve your outlook. It can be the worst day or the BEST. That’s real, not some pie in the sky. But what’s also real is finding the happy medium between believing nothing and believing everything.

Tuesday’s Libra Moon conjoins the south node and semi-sextiles the Scorpio Sun. It goes on to quincunx retro Saturn then sextiles Venus through the night. Take time Tuesday to get yourself in tune with your own desires as well as your team’s. Do you want to be balanced and valuable to your own team (you know, the coupling you’re completely invested in)? As we head through the dark of the moon, manners matter. What?? Well, they settle our bellies and make us less reactive. You can’t provoke someone who’s settled and balanced; that’s an asset. Consider what YOU bring to the mix, because that is what you can control.

On Wednesday, the Libra Moon perfects its sextile to Venus, opposes retro Chiron, then trines Jupiter. Are you on an even keel and ready to keep that balance through a hot-poppin’ day? Manage your reactivity like a pro and you’ll benefit like a pro. Feeling good, managing all the things!

Thursday, the Moon finishes up in Libra, going from the point of a yod with retro Uranus and retro Neptune, into the hard angle of a t-square with the Mars-Pluto opposition. It may be tough to separate reality from illusion as to what is truly important in any given moment, but that’s also when the Mercury-Neptune trine peaks. SO, be a strong presence for grace and joy, and open your mind to something immersive.

Friday morning, the Scorpio Moon conjoins the Sun for the Scorpio new moon. Reaffirm your inner strength and reserve/reserves as the new moon trines Saturn into the night. The Mars-Mercury-Neptune-Pluto kite persists through the weekend, with the Mars-Pluto opposition as the tumultuous but creative center of the action. The pieces are there to initiate something magnificent from within. The new moon cements a baseline mood to lay down a spiritually solid (if ephemeral) foundation to protect us through our own phoenix fire as we rise.

The new moon takes place early Friday morning at 9 degrees Scorpio. Where does it hit your chart?

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