Weekly Forecast: September 23-27, 2024 – Go With The Flow, But Do The Right Thing

river full moonThis week we’re in between eclipses as we transition from broad and varied support for the Sun to the set up for a tight, south node eclipse with a stellium in Libra. We go from diffuse and balanced to concentrated and isolated, but we’re going in strong.

The Sun freshly in Venus-ruled Libra only has the same-sign support of Venus for a few hours Sunday before Venus leaves for Pluto-ruled Scorpio. All week long, Venus in Scorpio chases a trine to Mars in Cancer, while Mars in Cancer moves into trine with retro Saturn in Pisces. That’s potent support as we desire to do the right thing — and subtly build the momentum of a positive campaign. When you do the right thing, it shows. And it pays off too, both in popularity and pleasure.

The Sun and Mars are slowly heading for a cardinal clash with retro Pluto in October; but right now, making moves from the heart can force necessary issues out into play and planning. Ignoring problems won’t benefit future goals. Get to work now and you’ll naturally identify obstacles and weaknesses for the future. Sure it’s bothersome, but it’s less work overall.

Late degree Virgo Mercury prolongs last week’s kite formation through Wednesday night with an opposition to retro Neptune and a trine to retro Pluto. Rumors are still flowing, but we have the discernment to mastermind our own healthy understanding — just so long as we’re willing to do so.

The flim-flam artists are out there, so don’t entertain them. You can spot a manipulater, so don’t give them your ear. Get rid of the scripts in your head that harm and mislead you. Turn them into reasons to feel good about yourself (you’ve grown!).


Monday morning’s Gemini Moon squares retro Saturn. Midday, it conjoins Jupiter then goes on to sextile retro Chiron. Early bumps and barriers set us up for frustration as we work to power out of snarls. Can we let it go and use it to launch into the rest of the day? Patience is for YOU (not them). A little patience leads to more satisfaction later.

Overnight, the Gemini Moon forms a t-square with squares to sign-ruler Mercury and retro Neptune. Quieting your mind for restorative sleep might take some finessing, but it’s worth a couple of tries. The restorative and prophetic properties you stand to gain are tasty. Your best bet is to lean into Mars-Saturn, Mars-Venus and wear yourself out physically ahead of time. Maybe a nice orgasm? A sexy daydream?

On Tuesday, the Gem moon finishes up its square to Neptune then moves to its own rulership in Cancer. In Cancer, it trines Venus and squares the Libra Sun. Whether you’re groggy or blissfully satisfied, a settled tummy lies in getting up, out, and on with it. Reach forward, not back; and balance what you want to do with what you need to do.

Overnight into Wednesday, the Cancer Moon conjoins Mars. Water, water everywhere, so get into the flow and GO. It’s a gentle movement but STRONG. The Moon trines retro Saturn (a metered mood) then heads into square with retro Chiron overnight. Keep going — in that hurts so good sort of way. Not to the point where it actually hurts, but do finish up what you’ve started.

Early Thursday, Mercury moves from Virgo to Libra, from a sign it rules, into wide, applying conjunction with the south node and the Sun. With Libra-ruler Venus in Pluto-ruled Scorpio, consider consolidating what you know so far. It may be useful to keep that under wraps as well. Balance polite pleasantries and inquiries with lengthening pauses that prompt others to respond with more meaty answers.

Thursday’s Cancer Moon sextiles retro Uranus, trines retro Neptune, then opposes retro Pluto. It’s a sweet spot to receive an echo of the downloads of the past week. Don’t let a challenge take you down; take it in to juice you up.

The Moon moves to Sun-ruled Leo then heads into sextile with the Sun and square to Venus (exact overnight). Are you feeling yourself? Give of yourself when you can’t afford to pay or are running out of imaginative bids. Leo is far more generous than most are aware. Magnanimous deference is something only the truly strong have to give.

On Friday, the Leo Moon clicks through the degrees without much of a care. It’s then we may feel some of those challenges of Mars squaring the Sun and the Sun approaching the south node. Shore up how you’re feeling about yourself. What are your short term goals? What have you already got, what skills do you already possess that can help you knock them out and still have fun?

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