Weekly Forecast: September 9-13, 2024 – Venus-Jupiter, A Growing Hunger

fire and iceThis week, just a wee bit of caution is in order. Take care and temper your desires a bit up front, and you’ll stand to gain far more for doing so. You don’t have to go slow, but you should go carefully. Be smart.

Discerning Virgo Mercury sextiles Cancer Mars through Wednesday night. When the mind and gut pair up, you’ll know and feel when the getting is good. Think on your feet, but go with what feels right.

All week, Libra Venus trines Jupiter in Gemini, but it also quincunxes retro Saturn in Pisces through Wednesday morning. While smart action rules, put in your due diligence to make sure what you’re chasing is what you really want — because hunger is on overdrive. Caution is protective, AND it allows your divine protection to catch up. Is what you want right for you? Is it worth the trouble? Don’t wind up like the dog who caught the car.

The Virgo Sun squares Jupiter through Thursday morning, and it quincunxes retro Chiron in Aries as well. Do we know better? If we do, we get a chance to do better. If not, there’s a chance to learn.

Monday morning, the late Scorpio Moon opposes retro Uranus in Taurus, trines retro Neptune in Pisces, then sextiles retro Pluto in Capricorn. Our gut feelings are involved in action right now, so this Scorpio gut influence pulls us right back into old business. However, it does so in a good way. How good do we have it? Expect a few flashes or even a re-enactment of something you missed (or missed you). The Moon moves to Sagittarius then squares Mercury in the midday; your conclusions may hit you hard. Let them transform you.

On Tuesday, the Sadge Moon sextiles Venus and squares retro Saturn. It goes on to form a t-square with the Sun and Jupiter. A Sagittarius mood is just itching to GO. Stasis burns, but there’s something here to savor before you bolt. The real juice is in finding the opportunity to balance those desires and come up with the BIG prize (think Indiana Jones trading a big rock for the gold idol on the altar — just be sure you’re not setting off a trap, or be ready to run?). In any case, it’s an adventure!

Wednesday’s Sagittarius Moon trines retro Chiron and squares retro Neptune. It feels like time for a redo, but don’t rush the magic. Intuition may not keep pace with your expectations. Be willing to take another track “if at once you don’t succeed”. The Moon heads to Capricorn in the evening and heads into trine with Mercury and opposition to Mars in the night. You can’t run away from your thoughts, but there’s no need to beat yourself up over it. Insights sink in and find their perfect sticking point when you stop running from yourself.

On Thursday, the Capricorn Moon perfects its aspects to Mercury and Mars. The details fall into order and action makes perfect sense. Don’t let anyone force you into action; your own gut is your foundation. Nighttime takes the Moon into sextile with retro Saturn, and satisfaction is a LOCK. The flow is perfection.

The brakes are off for Friday’s Capricorn Moon as it squares Venus and quincunxes Jupiter. Self control and responsibility pay off. Dot the I’s and cross the T’s so that when the Moon trines the Sun and squares retro Chiron the ride is more “fun” than “funhouse”. Figure it out on the go.

Friday afternoon, the Cap Moon trines retro Uranus, sextiles retro Neptune, then conjoins retro Pluto in the night. Venus closely trines Jupiter (exact Saturday night) as the Sun quincunxes retro Chiron. We want MORE, and by gum — we can figure out how to make this work! We may not “have this”, but we will. So much inspiration gels when we train our consciousness on the “right” target. Inspired… AHA!

Friday night’s mood builds slowly in intensity as the Venus-Jupiter hunger grows ever louder. Big time pleasure awaits.

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