What Happens When Two Shadow Figures Join Forces? Pluto, Scorpio And The 8th House

I first got in contact with the soldier in 2003 when Pluto was transiting my Sun. A Pluto Moon transit is infinitely easier to cope with but I did the best I could back then and one of the ways I coped was by writing the astrology mailing lists. More specifically, I wrote to one list, the one that did not kick me off or find me too repulsive that is.

Because “intense” does not cover it. I was writing this stuff that apparently was beyond what could be read because I was getting kicked off lists and banned left and right.The soldier was telling me his Special Forces stories at the time and he was not messing around. I guess he’d never talked to anyone before in his life and once he got started… Whew!

I worked to contain the energy he was pouring into me, all of it from the darkest of the dark shadow you can find. It was like being able to conduct a rare interview except for I never asked any questions.

And some gal on the list pointed out I sure seemed happy hanging around in the depths of hell with this guy. She specifically said, I was not merely sitting with the black dog in the depths of hell, but patting his head and rubbing his tummy… having a grand ol’ time.

I thought this was hysterical at the time because she was right. And I couldn’t see it at all until she said it. I was soooo in my element. So now fast forward 5 years… this conversation is from today.

“Yeah, they think you have me tricked. There are people who think that. You are this Special Forces guy, everyone knows you’re tricky and can’t be trusted. You have put one over on me big time,” I said. “You’re doing special ops on me.”


Yeah, but then they come look at me and I don’t seem like a victim. Read my blog and it’s possible I might not be so dumb after all, Maybe you really are lovesick and I am taking advantage of you.”


“Now all the sudden now it’s me who is up to something and you who has to be protected from me! Apparently no one can decide which one of us the horrible manipulative one,” I said. “Isn’t that funny? I think it’s funny.”

So there’s your answer. When two shadow figures get together they remain shadow figures however you can break your mind on them… which is probably what you deserve for throwing your shadow onto others in the first place.

Can any of your Scorps relate?

8 thoughts on “What Happens When Two Shadow Figures Join Forces? Pluto, Scorpio And The 8th House”

  1. I first got in contact with the soldier in 2003 when Pluto was transiting my Sun. A Pluto Moon transit is infinitely easier to cope with

    I had that back in (checks) 1992ish. Pluto over the sun. Actually, I had Pluto over the South Node in 1982ish (when I was 15), Pluto over the ASC in 1983ish, over Mercury in 1985, oppo the moon in ’89 and conjunct the sun and Neptune in ’92-’93. I have a hard time separating out Pluto from ‘High School’. I actually had hard Saturn transits during the same period, and as far as I can tell the Saturn transits were the nasty bits. The Pluto transits just weren’t the same. So I tend to look dubiously upon all this ‘Pluto is going to kill me talk’. Particularly since it oftens seems to me that people do not actually die during hard Pluto transits, but they sure talk about death a lot. Whereas a hard Saturn transits is a great way to get killed.

    but I did the best I could back then and one of the ways I coped was by writing the astrology mailing lists. More specifically, I wrote to one list, the one that did not kick me off or find me too repulsive that is.

    Lot of that sort of thing goes around with astrologers. Never have been able to figure out why. (‘What, does your Uranus not stink or something?’)

    When two shadow figures get together they remain shadow figures however you can break your mind on them… which is probably what you deserve for throwing your shadow onto others in the first place.

    Just so.

    Can any of your Scorps relate?

    It’s really hilarious how often I have run into women who sort of drool on me a bit and pant heavily: ‘You wouldn’t {pant, pant} take me down to the basement {pant, pant} and tie me up {pant, pant} and kill me and bury me in a hole, would you? {licks lips}’
    ‘Why in fuck’s name would I do that?’
    ‘Because that would be hot you’re a Scorpio and everybody knows they’re just sitting around plotting to get into the panties of innocent, dewy-eyed, helpless women like me!’
    ‘I hadn’t really thought about it.’
    ‘Ah, the famous Scorpio secretiveness!’
    ‘No. I hadn’t thought about it. I don’t even fuckin’ know you, lady.’
    ‘But surely you’re thinking about it now, with someone so obviously innocent and desirable as me.’
    ‘No, because, you know, that’s GROSS.’
    ‘Tying people up and killing them. I mean, the desire to have sex with somebody SORT OF CLASHES with the desire to kill somebody.’
    ‘OH. Well.’
    ‘Yeah. Besides, it sounds like a lot of trouble, what with all this tying up going on; that’s a lot of effort I could expend on fucking, not to mention paying for all that bondage gear. Plus it’s seriously illegal. I could just skip all that trouble and rent a whore. I mean, jeez, for the effort I would expend on tying you up, and the money, I could rent TWO whores. For a coupla days! And then, when I was done, they would go away and not BUG ME with all this drooling and telling me how evil I am.’
    ‘I don’t get it. You must be ugly.’
    ‘Right. Whatever. I’m gonna go make a sandwich and waste my time doing something interesting.’


  2. I’m not a Scorpio but I think of this particular subject often…the matter of me becoming repulsive when Pluto clobbers my sun in a few years. I feel naturally repulsive and much too intense for most people. The truth is, I am too intense for my Scorpio ex, and he has a stellium. My pain body is intensely dense because I have suffered so much, psychologically. First there are my roots. I have a Scorpio IC at 29 degrees square my sun. I told my first husband I had to escape from the primordial swamp…so we moved to New Mexico. That didn’t solve anything. Now I’m back in Texas with my double Scorpio son so I am very much entrenched in the primordial swamp. No one wants to deal with a swamp monster.

    1. I’m not a Scorpio but I think of this particular subject often…the matter of me becoming repulsive when Pluto clobbers my sun in a few years.

      I think that’s about a quarter-century from now. You have time. And I’d guess Pluto has already zapped your progressed sun. So whatever that was is gone.

      I feel naturally repulsive and much too intense for most people. The truth is, I am too intense for my Scorpio ex, and he has a stellium.

      I don’t think that’s Pluto. Pluto just takes a chunk out of you. Pluto is a generous sort: ‘You want to come with me? Well, fine, I’ll take you. Oh, alright, I’ll take you too. And yes, you and you and that guy over there. Well, I might as well just take the lot, right? All aboard!’

      Now Saturn – there’s a jealous bastard.

      I have a Scorpio IC at 29 degrees square my sun.

      I’m curious: what is it like with the Scorpio suns sitting around there? Freaky? Weird? Dull? They just get it?

      so we moved to New Mexico. That didn’t solve anything. Now I’m back in Texas with my double Scorpio son so I am very much entrenched in the primordial swamp. No one wants to deal with a swamp monster.

      It’s not the heat, it’s the humidity.

      [‘Wow, this is an old thread.’]

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