What If There’s a Solar Or Lunar Eclipse On My Birthday?

total eclipseHi Elsa,

What happens when a Solar Eclipse (or Lunar Eclipse) happens on your birthday?

In 2020, I am supposed to have a Solar Eclipse right on my birthday. For some reason I feel like that is a remarkable thing and something I should take notice of and prepare for.

Looking Ahead
United States

Hi, Looking.

Eclipses pack a punch. It is significant if there is an eclipse on your birthday.  Or on the day you were born for that matter.

If it’s a solar eclipse, the Sun and Moon are conjunct. When both Lights fall in one house in a chart (natal or solar return), there is going to be tremendous focus in that area of life.  It’s super-concentrated. How you live (Sun) and how you feel (Moon) are one in the same.

If it’s a lunar eclipse, the Sun and Moon are opposed. This creates tension, for good or ill. When there is an opposition, there’s a strong tendency to act one side and project the other.  If you have a lunar eclipse in your solar return chart (or your natal), you can expect to be dealing with “the other”, constantly.

Even this basic explanation shows you that the year will be distinguished and probably dominated by the energy of the eclipse in the return chart. It’s worth the time and trouble to look at the houses that will be impacted so you can try to come to some understanding about what you’ll be dealing with.

Get the lay of the land, right? Like visiting a college before you actually enroll!

Check out your Solar Return Report.

What do you know about eclipses that occur on a person’s birthday?

Have a question about astrology or life? Ask here! Please mention your location. It adds a layer of interest.

51 thoughts on “What If There’s a Solar Or Lunar Eclipse On My Birthday?”

  1. Wow! What a neat article going to have to look at the day I was born my Sun and Moon are opposed in my natal chart can’t remember if I noticed that there was an eclipse or not I do know that the Moon was full.

  2. Coincidentally I think I have this coming up for me in a few years…I have an 8th house Sun, so…this is going to be researched 🙂

  3. Wow, Maureen, I am born on March 20th too and I will have this solar eclipse… it’ll fall in my 3rd house. But have no clue as to what this really means… I hope it’s good. I’ve always felt amazing on my birthday anyway 🙂

    1. How did this play out for you? I ended up going thru a tramatic separation that took a half of a yr from my husband. By the full moon in pisces i was admitted to the hospital because i had a severe mental breakdown. Afterwards my life has slowly picked up again. I have become a totally different person than i was (still with some faults that bring me back to the old me temporarily), but i have lost everything right now to my husband including my children. I have done major internal growth studying astrology and praying. Saturn is transiting thru my 12th house right now and will enter my 1st house come Dec which marks my 1st saturn return. I have a Capricorn stellium in my 1st house square my NN (24*) sun (27*) and moon (aries 0*) in my 3rd house in Pisces. I feel this process was a vital factor in my growth but im nervous to see what the next few months brings in. The solar eclipse actively destroyed my previous life to bring liberation and growth.

        1. I was most recently hit by the Great American Eclipse – – Leo Aquarius axis within a day of my birthday. My Sun is in the 12th house conjunct Pluto. In the next 8 months between August and April, twenty nine (yes 29) of my close friends and acquaintances passed away. My husband was also in and out of the hospital. Funerals and wakes were happening so quickly and often I could not even attend all of them. It was horrific. I am not a fan of eclipses.

  4. I didn’t pay attention to astrology at the time I was getting married. And yes it was total Lunar Eclipse. In my marriage chart, Sun is at Capricorn (5th house) and Moon is at Cancer (11th house).

    Does it mean whole marriage life will go by tension? I was thinking last night, when the tension will be ended and today seeing this post. I’ll have to make “tension” my 5th house pleasure 🙂

  5. Just to add,
    2013 Eclipse on my Natal Scorpio Moon, lost my mom.
    2014 Eclipse on my Natal Taurus Saturn at 12th house, lost my dad.
    2015 Eclipse will be on hubby’s Natal Saturn Venus conjunction. No clue what will be happened. Not sure I’m his Venus or not, but in this case (for the first time) feeling good not to be his Venus ha ha ha …

    I don’t like Eclipse at all. I have some more data how the Eclipse is effecting my life. Its all bad bad and bad for me!!!

  6. In 2007 I had a solar eclipse conjunct my IC in my solar chart. Ten days after my birthday my mom died (she was 77), so yeah big impact on my family and emotional life. (Transiting Saturn was also exact conjunct my natal Venus.)

  7. Our middle son was born on a solar eclipse in the early 90’s. He has a massive scorpio stellium ( 6 planets) all in the 3rd house. His north node is in 3rd but at the beginning of Sag. He’s still young but with his sun and moon conjunct his presence sizzles and pops. He’s grown into his looks and is strikingly handsome. He can’t walk into a room unnoticed and if he opens his mouth to speak people listen. I’m curious to see how this plays out for him. One would think with all of that Scorpio he would be dark and possibly intimidate others but that’s not what has happened. People are attracted to him like a magnet. He’s also the luckiest son of a gun I’ve ever seen.

  8. Interesting….in 2012 there was a lunar eclipse on November 28th….2 days after my 60th birthday. I will have to go back and read journals from that time and see what was happening in my life then.

  9. The only one for me was a lunar eclipse, January 20, 1981, Aquarius 0 opposite Leo 0. I wish I could remember anything significant right now on that date for me, but if you remember, it was the day that the American hostages were released from Tehran, thus ending the Iranian Hostage Crisis. I do remember that.

  10. I and my daughter share the same birthday, April 4th 2015 (tomorrow ) curious on what.and /or if there is a significance for myself and my toddler lol

  11. I have a 12th house Sun at 17 Pisces, and 11th house Moon 7 Pisces, with Aries rising at 24, Merc 4 ARies, Ven 14 Aries. I’ve been hit with eclipses since last year, in March and April, then in the Fall. There is a Solar Eclipse on my birthday in 2016. When I do a chart for the eclipse date and time, my Sun/Moon in 5th house. I’m hoping this will end the past two years of feeling trapped and lonely, marked with emotional exasperation and upset that have really tested my limits. Any help in understanding would be so very appreciated.

    1. I have solar eclipse on my birthday too, with both Sun and the Moon in 4th house of the revolution chart. Worried because of what happened to sona and her parents in 2013 and 2014, especially since the revolution chart ASC is the same as my natal chart ASC, and I will have both saturn and mars on my 1st house. I really hope nothing bad happens, but having the same ASC, malefics on the 1st, and eclipse on my birthday.. these clues are too much to just forget about..

  12. I have a lunar eclipse coming on my birthday 23 March 2016, yes in a few daysdays !
    So ill have to deal with the ‘other’ ?
    An explanation will be very helpful and thanks in advance :).

  13. I don’t really know what will be ahead for me on my birthday kinda scared and kinda excited I guess I’ll just have to wait and see what happens…

  14. ooooo, this will be fun. The last time I experienced one of these on my birthday was a pivotal point in my life where I had a ‘Great Dream’ about slimey man-eating salamanders emerging from a swamp. I turned round a massively co dependent relationship that year and set out on a journey of self discovery. Epic. That was ten years ago and now we have another lunar eclipse exactly between my birthday and the birthday of my new man. Our suns are 6 degrees apart and we’ll be on a crazy adventure through Morocco at the time of the eclipse. Already extreme reactions are happening all around me although I personally feel quite stable (aquarius)…..almost have a ‘pivatol’ feeling as though, if I exited the room right now, folk around me would fall apart.

  15. Avatar
    Carey Doris Widman

    The 2018 Partial Solar Eclipse is on my birthday. I have 18 degrees 36 Leo in the 2nd house and the Eclipse is 18 degrees 42 Leo. Yikes! I also have uranus and pluto in Leo. I am leaving a job to embark on a new career and relocating to Colorado in August 2018. I have been longing for this change for a long time. I also have Jupiter in the fourth. The universe and my spirit guides have been helping me implement these changes. They send me signs all the time that it’s my time to shine and live the life I’ve dreamed of so here I go. 🙂

  16. Avatar
    Christine Beauchamp

    Didn’t read all the posts but I agree with SONA and Kaylight above. Eclipses are powerful markers but in my experience, they usually ‘eclipse’ things out of your life, dramatically changing it forever. I’m heavily Leo and just finished the Leo / Aquarius axis of eclipses for 18 months (I say 2 years with all the shadow periods involved). From the August ‘Great American Eclipse’ to the following April (8 months), I lost 29 of my closest friends and companions. They all died – – shocking, 29 people I knew, gone! That was most of my friendships. And at the time my husband was also seriously ill and hospitalized so I could hardly attend all the wakes and funerals, if I even found out about them in time to attend. I could only think it wasn’t a ‘safe’ time to be my friend under those eclipses. For me, eclipses are not for the ‘faint of heart’ . . don’t chase them. . don’t try to view them. . honor the day, honor yourself. . keep busy and focused. . . Eclipses are not harbingers of wonderful good news.

  17. Avatar
    Astrologically inclined

    I am born on Nov 3rd and met my husband in the 90s. As it repeats every 19 years, the solar eclipse came in 2013 again. That’s the year my husband left me for someone 1/2 his age. I researched back in time to see if there was any solar eclipse that I may have had on my birthday in the 70s. I did and believe around that time my lil sister passed away. So I think this is a separation and meeting cycle. So I am positive that the next eclipse I will meet someone, and hopefully be dead before I have a separation at the eclipse thereafter in 19 years.

    1. My experience with eclipses is that they ‘eclipse’ [remove] things from your life. During the Great American Eclipse that hit all my Leo planets, I lost to death 29 people I knew in a 6 month period of time. You have to look at everything of course but eclipses (to me) are harsh and to be avoided.

        1. Yes, it was brutal. Family members were calling me to pass on the news of deaths and I couldn’t even comprehend what they were telling me. One I even called back the next day to confirm I heard correctly. I never had closure, Still want to call some of them, I forget they’re no longer in the physical.

          When people say they’ve had no issues with eclipses I can’t relate. I find them harsh and with great endings and removals. To me they’re not fluffy bunnies and kitties, and are best avoided when possible. Thank you. .

      1. Avatar
        Astrologically inclined

        I am sorry to hear about your loss.

        I tend to agree, eclipses are about removal, but I just can’t remember anything in the 90s eclipse that was ‘removal’. I have another one coming up in 2032. So if I am around then, I should be able to confirm for sure, atleast for me.

        Thanks for sharing your experience.

  18. I just learned that the Solar eclipse last year is on my birthday July 17.Then last Dec 26 the annual Solar eclipse is in Capricorn w/ S.Node and other planets were opposite mySun and MMercury.Just yesterday the lunar eclipse os in my sign Cancer.I turned 50 last year.For severql.years now so mamy changes from business I decided to work.in an ofc.Moved to a new apt bec of neighbors my son had a surgery,lost work too.Ihave ben so sickly. Most of all money is easy to spend. I have been waiting. When things would get better.On my bday last year I paid a loan.Nothing on my birthday.

  19. By the way I have Leo Asc/ Moon,Cancer Sun/ Mercury.And may I add when.Pluto was at 22 degree it trined mynatal.Pluto and N Node (Virgo)in exact degree,it sex tile my N Node in Posces

  20. Thank you for this article! 🙂
    I looked up my natal eclipses today and noticed that I have a Pre natal Solar eclipse (happened Oct 22nd 1976) in the same house as my sun, though not conjunct and not on my birthday.
    I also have a Prenatal Lunar Eclipse (Nov. 6th, 1976) in my 4th house conjunct Pluto. Those are the closest to my birthday on November 15th.

  21. Hiya, I m d 30 minutes 50secs Gemini 1958 Kite, I m trying to figure my return location. Do I put Chiron on the asc with the kite NYC or do I stay relocated in Denver either way no matter where I go and Part of fortune is a 3degree conj asc and where do I want the Uranus conjunct Venus and Progressed Mars and natal Sun Moon Midpoint trine natal MC and Part of fortune. The Prince Philip death really puts a damper on my positivity unless I can experience a total rebirth without actually dying, I also use the body known as Gary.

    1. Avatar
      Astrologically inclined

      Think back 19 years ago. It will be related to something significant that happened then. Being aware may help you deal with events better.

      For my birthday eclipse, things unfolded over the entire year. If you are willing, maybe you can come back and share what the impact was. Hope you get something positive from it.?

  22. On may 15th there will be a total lunar eclipse..and my birthday. I have been seeing 11:11 everyday for years.. coincidentally the eclipse begins at 11:11.. hmm.. anyone have any thoughts on this?

  23. Hey Nicole! My birthday is May 15th also, and my sister’s name is Nicole! Pretty crazy… it is said we should be facing some life altering changes in the year proceeding the eclipse on our birthday. I’m taking some time to reflect on the progress so far. I hope you experience nothing less than all your heart desires.

    May he give you what you desire, and make all your plans succeed. Psalms 20:4

  24. My birthday was May 5th. Just had lunar eclipse. This is probably the worst year of my life. Hospitalized in February, mom died unexpectedly in March, now I have a financial crisis on my hands.

    1. Avatar
      Chris Beauchamp

      I work a lot with eclipses. . . does not surprise me, sorry to say that. The Leo / Aquarius and Gemini / Sag eclipses removed many people I deeply cared about from my life.

  25. So just to be clear …

    When sun is opposite moon is that regarded as a lunar eclipse? Or not? cause I read somewhere that not all oppositions are lunar eclipse .. kinda confused.

    Any Help appreciated 👍

    1. No, the sun opposes the moon once per month. It’s when this happens while the they are near the nodal axis that you have lunar eclipses. The nodal axis is currently in late Aries/Libra. The next lunar eclipse will actually be when the sun and moon are in Scorpio and taurus though, not far from the nodal axis but out of sign.

  26. Hello fellow Libras,

    Anybody else have a b-day on the 14th’s ring of fire solar eclipse?
    Very nervous about what else might happen. Sun, Moon and mercury will all be in my 7th house of partnerships. I’ve already encountered one eclipse loss.
    Hope everyone stays safe.

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