What To Expect From Jupiter in Scorpio: 2017- 2018

Jupiter enters Scorpio on October 10, 2017. Earth and water signs, rejoice! On that same day, Venus and Mars are conjoined in Virgo, so there’s a lot of decisions being analyzed. What was forged during Jupiter’s tenancy in Libra is either solidified and locked-down in Scorpio, or bites the dust, HARD, not to be resurrected. Jupiter’s an expansive planet, and Scorpio is all about scrutiny, so those who were born with Jupiter in Scorpio have extra strong spidey sense. You can either be a “good witch” or a “bad witch” with Jupiter in Scorpio. If Jupiter in Libra brought over-optimism with regard to relationships, Uranus has had a say in it and Jupiter in Scorpio (Uranus is exalted in Scorpio) is the final arbitrator.

On a global mundane scale, Jupiter in Scorpio can represent ideologies that have very deep, unyielding bottom lines, with severe repercussions for non-adherence. We see this on a daily basis thanks to the Internet and with Jupiter in Scorpio, I would expect that even more shall be revealed regarding fanaticism, such as the canings of women who dared to have sex or even speak to a man outside of marriage. The atrocities of ISIS against women may become so overwhelming that it can no longer be ignored.

A great positive example of the Justice that Jupiter in Scorpio could serve up is total, undeniable proof (Jupiter) of the sex-traffic trade (Scorpio) on a scale that finally gets enough attention that those who have been hidden in those dark crevices can no longer hide. Jupiter in Scorpio will be ruled by Pluto, now in Capricorn… it’s about time Pluto in Capricorn finally demolishes some of those long-hidden secrets that have kept society sick on subterranean levels!

Looking at aspects to the other planets that Jupiter makes while he’s in Scorpio, on December 2nd, Jupiter in Scorpio trines Neptune in Pisces at 11 degrees respectively. NIIIICE. Jupiter gets all the way to 23 degrees Scorp before turning retrograde on March 9, 2018. At that time, Pluto is at 20 Capricorn, so there’s an extended time those 2 planets are in sextile. Those with earth and water planets in the later degrees are going to appreciate that.

The big guy then retrogrades down through Scorpio and trines Neptune again on May 25th at 16 degrees. The station direct happens on July 10th at 13 degrees, still in trine to Neptune. Jupiter will be very powerful on that station direct, with Neptune helping. He makes the last trine to Neptune on August 9th at 15 degrees.

The entire time Jupiter is in Scorpio, there are no harsh aspects from the outers. This is meaningful. The only aspect is the trine to Neptune, repeatedly. I think this bodes incredibly well for those who have suffered greatly and need to have their burdens lifted. There is compassion in this configuration, and a lets-get-to-the-bottom-of-this, once and for all, kind of feeling.

Just for the record, if this trine does lovely things to your chart, keep your wits about you, use that Scorpio energy to really suss out where to put your compassion, because when Jupiter enters Sadge next, he’ll be squaring Neptune. Chickens… roost…. Get me? No? Go listen to “Bitch” by Meredith Brooks. A real Scorpio/Pisces song if there ever was one.

I, for one, love this upcoming phase of Jupiter when it trines Neptune. It’s kissing my chart all over! How about you?


87 thoughts on “What To Expect From Jupiter in Scorpio: 2017- 2018”

  1. I have uranus in Scorpio in my second house , my jupiter is in my 11th house conjunct my mercury in the sign of leo. Saturn is in my 3rd but will enter my 4th when it goes into Capricorn 2018 which will square my asc in 28 degrees Virgo and oppose my venus. My libra moon mostly covers my first house conjunct pluto.

  2. Transiting Jupiter conjuncting natal neptune – confidently (rose-colored glasses) going after my dreams, with the old maxim “be careful what you wish for” ringing loudly in my ears- like the tick of the roller-coaster as it climbs the steep rail in Libra; cranking up for a wild ride. Last time this happened, Uranus was on the IC; moved suddenly to a beautiful international historic town near the sea. This time, Uranus is sitting on the DC. Maybe a surprise job offer in a dream location that whisks me away. But will it be like I dream it will be? With Neptune?! Hahahahah

  3. I have a grand trine in water…my as. Is somewhere between 8 and 11 Cancer, I have Moon conjunct Neptune in Scorpio in the fourth (N 12, M 16 Sc) and Jupiter conjunct Chiron in Pisces in the eighth house (Jupiter 5 deg., Chiron 9 deg. Pisces), and my Venus is at 31 deg. Taurus in the tenth, which I think will be making many aspects to Pluto….my IC is around 1 deg. Scorpio….not quite sure….this is definitely going to be affecting me….

    1. I should imagine a harmony mentally and emotionally with the way you present yourself to the world….the Venus Mars conjunction already passed the mid degrees of Virgo…I found it quite motivating….although in square to Saturn…

  4. I am Libra Sun, Libra Rising (Oct. 11th B-Day) Moon in Aries and Venus in Scorpio (2nd House). What does this all mean? Thanks,

  5. Ha. It seems to essentially play nice on my side (which is welcomed considering how so many other things won’t). And thank you so much for that song! I’d forgotten how much I liked it!

  6. No wonder I bought lingerie, bustiers and garters for no reason the other day. Scorpio Jupiter is coming for my 1st house Scorpio Pluto. I don’t have a partner or anything!

  7. I just realised that Jupiter stationing direct at 13 degrees Scorpio will also conjunct the South Node of the composite chart of a relationship that is really important to me…the chart of the relationship is also on a Fixed Cross with the north node in Taurus at 13 degrees, which is the same degree as this person”s sun…Jupiter is doing wonderful things for my chart emotionally, but wonder what it means on a relationship level, either internally or externally….

  8. Hello
    I’m cancer sun 21* , Cap rising 0* Gemini moon 22* + jupiter 22*.Saturn in my 12th has been horrendous. Not long to go
    What will Jupiter in 11th bring?

    1. You have difficult Pluto aspects too, with Pluto going through your first and second houses, which will also oppose your sun when it gets to 21 degrees…I would make use of the Jupiter Pluto sextile if I were you, but you will have to wait until the end of August 2018….impossible to predict everything without seeing the full chart but Saturn can bring wonderful structure as well as difficulty….

  9. Love your analysis! Thanks Elsa. Perhaps the children sex trade horrors will come to light and be dealt with during Pluto//vibe
    Love the sexy time with dreamy Neptune. I definitely feel some deep healing coming next year. Gonna go listen to Meredith.
    Thank you.

  10. The transit calendar says that Jupiter is square Neptune the rest of this month. I can’t find information on that anywhere to get a gist of what I am dealing with here. Typical Neptune influence.


    1. For daisynymph1:

      Jupiter was sesquisquare (135 degrees) to Neptune in Pisces (about 12 degrees) when it was 27 degrees Libra. Depending on the orb of influence you select, this aspect is either over or waning. A prominent astrologer said this aspect cautioned against making a wrong choice. Interesting. I have one of these aspects though not with Jupiter and Neptune and try to manage it by aiming for getting to the “just enough” point rather than “just one more.” People are different so your solution may be different. For a concrete image think about a situation where you are buying something and the salesperson tries to get you to accessorize it, or buy one for a friend. And then perhaps you realize that one is the right amount. Perhaps you get annoyed and decide not to get it after all, considering that each time you see it you will think of an unpleasant salesperson and the feeling that the object evokes messes with the feng shui of your peaceful place. Hope this helps.

  11. Interesting and refreshing. Thank you for the analysis, Diane. The past five years have been difficult on a whole new level. Loss, stark realizations, foundations crumbling away – geez, louise. I know the world won’t stop spinning but I’d like to not go through life dizzy over it. It’s been one thing after another, ripped away. I will make the most of this.

  12. “Jupiter in Scorpio will be ruled by Pluto, now in Capricorn… it’s about time Pluto in Capricorn finally demolishes some of those long-hidden secrets that have kept society sick on subterranean levels!”

    Just as Jupiter entered Scorpio the Harvey Weinstein issue comes to light. Your analysis nailed it. This is just the tip of the iceberg

  13. This post was spot on. Ever since Jupiter went into Scorpio sexual harassment and misconduct has been in the news every day. Looks like it won’t slow down any time soon either.

  14. Hi!

    If i may ask please, i got Jupiter in Scorpio on zero degrees in 1st house, Cancer sun, Libra rising, and Saturn, Pluto & Mars in Libra. Will this transit of Jupiter in Scorpio benefit travels to foreign lands in this period, and could it be sign of good new chances abroad?

  15. Hello! I born 11/1/1951 @ 1 pm with Jupiter in Leo. Scorpio Sun. Aquarius Rising; Sagittarius Moon, Mars & Venus in Virgo. Jupiter in SCORPIO in my first house and what a ride I am on in this season. You are correct in all your assessment. Glad Women Got their POWER back! ALSO >>>Power to the children, AS WELL!!

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