What To Expect With Saturn In Aries

aries ram in snowWe’ve got a lot up in the air right now. Uranus in Taurus is disrupting that which is Fixed.  Saturn, with Neptune in Pisces has all but disappeared reality.  Addiction (to whatever, including media & the internet) is widespread. Time keeps on slippin’, slippin’, slippin, into the future, which looks grim to many.

Saturn will ingress into Aries between May and August, 2025. The fact that Saturn will arrive in Aries, accompanied by Neptune, clouds this picture.  When Saturn returns to Aries in, February, 2026, we’ll enjoy or suffer a real “new beginning”. Understand, Saturn moves a lot faster than Neptune. The planet will be acting on it’s own by May 2026. In this post, I want to focus on Saturn in Aries, post it’s Neptune fog-of-war phase.

Personal responsibility will be a thing. I don’t think you’re going to be able to point at the other guy, so readily, with Saturn in Aries.

Do it yourself. Defend yourself. Self-sufficiency.  BOOTS ON THE GROUND.

I expect Saturn in Aries to benefit relationships and families as people get serious about creating structure and stability in their lives.  What would I do, if I were a grown-up; a responsible adult?

Dependency, in general will fade out.   This is like old-fashioned boy scouts.  You’ve got to earn your stripes, your merit badges, or what have you.

Plan (Saturn) to fortify yourself and do not plan to have help with this.

One more thing. Consequences,  with Saturn in Aries, are bound to be harsh. It’s a Mars Saturn exchange after all.

What do you expect with Saturn in Aries?


10 thoughts on “What To Expect With Saturn In Aries”

  1. Given that aries squares Saturn’s ruler cap, the picture sure looks grim. Perhaps for Saturnian figures, for a change? I wouldn’t bet too much on this but there’s gonna be a pluto in aqua sextile, for both sat and neptune . Extremisms between Trans-humanist agendas vs patriarchal martial rule tbc? Given that jupiter will also apply to square from late gem then cardinal cancer, will the tricksters be dumped /unmasked and mother figures arise to shake things up? Just wondering …

  2. I’m on my 2nd Saturn return. It’s at 10° Aries, with my natal Mars at 5° Aries. I feel a little better prepared to be shook to my foundations this time, but I’m not exactly enjoying it😂
    I’m repeating my self-descriptor “pragmatic eternal optimist with a touch of cynicism” like a mantra when I wanna beat an inanimate object with a baseball bat, or run away and hide in a cave😂
    There is a lesson, and I’m gonna learn it… it’s Level Up time🤷🏼‍♀️

  3. Well granddaughter announced she and fiancé going to travel world for 1 year starting in November; a Cap and Scorp
    I told them I was proud of them to not be afraid of losing some thing & being excited to see something and I am just a plane ticket away so all this perfect tiny little stuff they love about Home won’t change a bit ! not sure what else to say? I could list all kinds of worries, but they have each other, I’m gonna stop there .

  4. I’ll have transits to my midheaven, north node, Jupiter, and Venus in Aries, in that order. Top of my chart. I think it’s game-on! My Mars-Saturn has been training for this.

  5. Avatar
    the laughing goat

    My second Saturn return, and I have been working towards this return since 2017. Natal Saturn in Aries 2H and have been busting my ass; taking every opportunity that came my way to make extra money, learned how to negotiate money for myself, learned how to say NO to the spenders in my life, gave myself a raise and saved most of it, made practical financial decisions over the long haul, been frugal but not stingy, and in keeping my nose to the grindstone I should be paying off the mortgage in less than 3 years. LETS GO!!!

  6. Saturn in my 4th: last time Saturn was in Aries we bought our first house. Responsibility! (4/7/96-6/9/98)

    Time before I went away to boarding school. (3/3/67-4/29/69)

    Wonder what is in store for this round! Maybe I should start purging in preparation for packing?

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