What’s A Moon Uranus Conjunction Person Like?

Uranus abstractElsa, What is your opinion on a tight Uranus / Moon conjunction?

United States

The moon rules emotion, Uranus is detached.  You’re looking at an emotionally detached person who needs (moon) space (Uranus).  People with their moon conjunct Uranus tend to separate from their families, they simply want to be free and emotionally unencumbered.

If moon Uranus has a family, it will be eccentric in some way. It could be who makes up the family, or possibly it’s the home where they live that’s unusual.  It’s probably both!  This is a signature of a non-traditional family.

It makes me think of a Christmas eve party I went to one year, when I was young.  Sixteen, I think. Displaced from my family? It was a  tree-trimming party for misfits. Everyone brought a crazy ornament and it was a lot of fun. We decorated the tree, ate and then went caroling.  ALL singles, no one was related. It was untraditional (Uranus) traditional (moon). I never did anything like this again, but I’m glad I did it, once!

People with this signature disrupt the family. There is no judgment attached to that statement – it’s for good or ill.  I don’t necessarily mean they are black sheep.  They may be leading the family and advancing them. You have to consider, sign, house and aspects as well as the individual’s interest and intent.

I also think they often have trouble in relationships, mostly because the partner wants them to conform in ways they cannot. It’s easier if “space” is built in. I’m talking about the person having to travel a lot for work.  They just can’t function without space, so if you can’t bear this,  you should probably take a pass.

They’re also going to like to shock and surprise people, but may not to like it, if you surprise them.  They tend to attract their opposite; they sort of have to, because if both people have moon Uranus, they both detach and poof! There is no relationship!

I have seen many successful relationships where one person has a moon Uranus conjunction, but they are all VERY unusual.  Moon Uranus and Venus Uranus / Uranus in the 7th go well together.  I have Uranus in 7th and can deal with this. Matter of fact, all of my lifelong relationships are like this.  We’re “family”, just not every day, ’round the clock.

Moon Uranus people detach from “need” to a large extent.  They NEED to not have clingy attachments.

Do you have moon conjunct Uranus?  How does it express? What’s your family like?  Your home? Your attachments?

20 thoughts on “What’s A Moon Uranus Conjunction Person Like?”

  1. I have my Cancer sun conjunct Uranus, only 1 degree apart. I love having attachments to people; unfortunately, I have lost many friends and family in the past 5 years. It’s hard to make new attachments, and I grieve for the past ones.

  2. Quite true! I have this conjunction on Sagittarius. My family’s quite “untraditional” and small, we’re all quite detached, we almost don’t see each other. I’m the last one, the one who will end the family, as I won’t have kids. It’s uncomfortable to be always painted as the cold-emotionless villain.

  3. Moon conjunct uranus rx in 1st house at 1 degree. All of my life I was away from all of my relatives. Raised by a single parent, my mom. I liked it that way because it was exciting looking forward to seeing all of them when I was going for holidays. Growing up in the countryside and going for holidays into the city was equally thrilling as a kid and a teen. I need space and time to miss a person. Even if I like someone a lot and we get along fine, I need to breathe. Just that, I need to mentally cycle and leave a person be for some time and then come back and catch up. Anyway people who know to leave you alone without pestering are the best. That is why I have easy connections with uranus in 7th, uranus in 4th and uranus in 3rd individuals. That is one side of it. Of course, in love, I won’t fall for someone that is completely disinterested and only pals- pals, no passion. I am greedy and want a bunch. Knowing my possesive and jealous streak, let’s just say it makes sense that for example that my romantic crush is a scorpio sun, aquarius moon. I know better for myself these days to know what languages I am speaking and what the hell do I want. I know because I learned it the hard way.

  4. Here’s my attempt to look a at my son a la Elsa….. (pardon the lack of brevity. have way too much Gemini being triggered at moment. This is actuallly me being brief and concise LOL)

    My college-age son has Moon 1Aquarius (4th) with Uranus 2Pisces (5 or 4, depending chart style). He doesn’t have Moon-Urn con, but he has Sun 28 Aquarius conj Urn and a stellium in Aquarius. Hence a pretty strong Uranus chart.Needless to say, I’m very interested in this topic. Especially as I adjust to Empty Nest, his becoming an adult and we both navigate new ways of relating.

    He is very independent and emotionally reserved (Aquarian) In grammar school he was counting down years until college (“Mom, only 6 more years until college!!! suddenly exclaimed one day). He excels at both maths and English. Now in very competitive, challenging Architectural Engineering degree and finally academically challenged!

    Definitely I see his analytical Aquarian mind, to the point I refer to him as “my little Vulcan” But I think it is softened (Urn Pisces, Moon 4th). He stays in touch, we text regularly, and we can talk about things probably more than most mom-son at this stage (Moon in 4th). When I feel an emotional disconnect I ask myself…”What would Spock do?” to help my inherently emotionally attuned Diana Troy personality find a way to bridge the gap.

    Overall he is quietly observant (again that Urn Pisces softening) and enjoys family gatherings etc (Moon 4th). It quickly found group of new college friends right away (Aquarian again and created sense of “family” there Moon-4th).

    He departs soon for a summer study session abroad, then plans to travel (alone, by choice-very Uranus) across Europe to meet up with a friend in Italy. But happily joins me and his extended family for 3 weeks in UK, living cheek-to-jowl out of suitcases together. (Moon 4th)

    We are emotionally close and have a good rapport. He was very much clingy, Mama-oriented until kindergarten. Then surprisingly and suddenly (Uranus again) became confident, focused and ready to tackle school.

    He struggles to express emotions, especially his own, and not very physically demonstrative, yet very caring and loving (Uranus in Pisces ruled Moon).Fortunately, I’m a Scorpio with strong Gemini (Moon, Asc) and Sag (Merc, Mars) and Aqu (MC, Urn, Pluto). I’m well versed in Air-Mutable energy and think this helps me navigate this new era in our lives as mother and son.

    I miss him terribly every day (Scorpio Sun/Neptune 6th). his seemingly easy transition to his new life, with little longing for home (Aquarian) was tough to accept. I do know a solid emotional foundation exists between us. I’m usually who he turns to for advice, help or insight. He immediately calls when a family crisis arises. Before returning to college after Christmas he presciently sensed he was saying final goodbye to my father, who died two months later (that Urn-Pisces?).

    I’m learning (Gemini-Sag) to navigate this new emotional reality with my adult son but still feel determined to be there through thick and thin (Scorpio Sun-Nep). He’s learned best way to stay in touch is texting and calling for nice long chat every few weeks keeps me happy (Gemini Moon).

    There. My attempt to Elsa-read the dynamics of my strongly Uranian son and myself. It’s taken couple of years to mull over but think I’m finally cracking the code! I’ve learned a lot from you over the years Elsa! I don’t post much but quietly lurk and learn. Thank you.

    1. I’ve dated a lot of people with Moon Uranus, I also have Venus sq Uranus.

      One guy with the square reaaaaally needed no strings.

  5. I have moon square Uranus. I definitely take my space and lead unconventional relationships. My immediate family (mom, me, my dad passed when I was young) have always been odd and electric. Childhood homes (we moved a lot) always seemed to be filled with a buzz or hum especially when we were all home.

  6. No offense to anyone posting. I have a friend I keep at arms length with this. I like this person in small doses. Every conversation turns angry and generally over something that happened in childhood. Bear in mind this person is near 70. Emotions pop out of nowhere when least expected with mars and uranus in cancer. A VERY difficult person.

  7. My 9 year old son has this conjunction, in Aries, 5th house (Sag rising). I believe you are correct Elsa.

    He has a stellium in Aries: Venus, Mars, Moon, Uranus. His Uranus is only conjunct his Moon. Mars, Venus, and Moon are conjunct.

    He also has his Sun conjunct Neptune, in Pisces. Aquarius Mercury opposite Leo Jupiter.

    My son is a lot to handle. He is very sweet and alluring. He is also argumentative, appears to be shy in public, and does tend to “push away” family although I say it’s his way of balancing things. He is very receptive but just enjoys being a kid, so he doesn’t care for intense energy it appears.

    I knew long ago that he is going to leave our home. It is very evident by the way he acts.

    His moods are not entirely consistent. Some mornings he wakes up very touchy, others he is loving and attentive. He never does the same thing two days in a row. He’ll wear his shirts inside out and backwards, is forced to do his hair which he refuses to cut. He loves being at school and away from home, traveling.

    I know I’m the unconventional person from an odd family.

    1. The Moon Sign and Aspects/House will paint a picture of what that persons Mother is like, or how that person experienced them. -Sounds like he is somewhat eccentric with the way HE CHOOSES to do things, with that Uranus quirkiness. And you are the exact same way, in that respect: He sees you as friend, somewhat of a character albeit inconsistent or kind of kooky, or weird things just kind of seem to happen To You. Someone (this is BOTH of you guys) who values The Freedom to BE THEMSELVES, values Independence. -Therefore is not super fond of BEING TOLD what to do -You have a live-and-let love personality; you might offer your OPINION(S), or Suggestions or share Your Ideas, and maybe. a few “Fun Facts” you’ve learned about, but NEVER are going to Attempt to Dominate anyone and boss them around like you’re better than them. You can’t stand entitled types actually. You already have figured out your little quirky way for doing just about amything, and THAT is what works for You. That’s the ideal way, you figure. If people in the world were more like you, “cool” and interesting, open-minded, willing to help others -because we’re all equal because we are all human beings, but were just intellegent (and the more “stimulating” the company, the better), because yall have a love/hate relationship with the world; you want to be peaceful and loving and helpful and would love to see a better world for All your brothers and sisters because it really Hurts/Upsets you to see Suffering, or People treating others unfairly, and for those who just want to be stupid, ruins it for the rest of the good ones. Hence, feeling a love/hate connection. Also, emotionally blowing hot/cold. Though more “cool” usually. Have met some very intersting characters probably, had friends at one point as a group that you saw like family and were actually very devoted to. You can be quite loyal, surprisingly -despite the innate need for freedom, regular space/time to disconnect and pursue whatever interests (usually offbeat, occult, music, youtube or movies, human psychology, technology/computers, art -since you have both an artistic AND a scientific turn of mind -cool as hell but almost kind of “nerdy” at the same time, secretly. Or outwardly. You are Defintely your own character. -You are truly one-of-a-kind (yes, you Are Quite Special -and you know it too!) There is no one else quite like you out there. Which is a damn shame too aint it? Because you would love nothing more than to meet and group up with others that have a similar mentality/like-minded who are trustworthy and just “good people” NOT full of ulterior motives, liars selfish, bigots/ judgemental, or and just dumb as hell -you Cant STAND folks like that. And you already know a couple calculated, clever words or a sentence on your end, to sum them up to their faces, and hit them with that “Truth,” and whoo! -you could Scar them For Life. LOL, and you know it too. (Dont do it man! ; ) Nah, you wouldnt want to purposely go out of your way to Hurt Someone. Peace amd Love, like a Hippie mentality (and a dash of Boheimian/ Melnacholia too) -You bring alot more to this world than you realize. Even your mere exsistence probably “inspires” others to some degree. Keep doin you. Which kinda goes without sayin.. since you Couldnt be fake if you tried. No sir/ mamn. You’re a Real One. Nobody doubts that either, btw. Just watch the emotional “explosions” every so often, catching “quieter” folks offguard, and careful what you say, because your words are your weapons and you can actually turn acid-tongued pretty quickly. You got the right idea though! Just Slow Down, and TRY to Learn to Relax, pace yourself, maybe Complete a Project even every so often before your ADHD/Bipolarness kicks in again and your attention wanes to the next thing that captures your interest. Might want to consider mental health medication to help Balance yourself; I’m sure you have already defintely thought of this though. Matter of fact, you kinda are somewhat of a know-it-all too come to think of it. No ones getting a whole lot past you, are they? Haha.

      Hope you enjoyed my breakdown of Moon Conjunct Uranus (to a bit lesser extent, any Apects with these 2 “planets” together…)

      *I have MY Moon in Sag conjunct Uranus in Sag in the 4th House **both conjunct Jupiter in Sag as well (a Stellium therefore: )

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    The Exalted83

    The Moon Sign and Aspects/House will paint a picture of what that persons Mother is like, or how that person experienced them. -Sounds like he is somewhat eccentric with the way HE CHOOSES to do things, with that Uranus quirkiness. And you are the exact same way, in that respect: He sees you as friend, somewhat of a character albeit inconsistent or kind of kooky, or weird things just kind of seem to happen To You. Someone (this is BOTH of you guys) who values The Freedom to BE THEMSELVES, values Independence. -Therefore is not super fond of BEING TOLD what to do -You have a live-and-let love personality; you might offer your OPINION(S), or Suggestions or share Your Ideas, and maybe. a few “Fun Facts” you’ve learned about, but NEVER are going to Attempt to Dominate anyone and boss them around like you’re better than them. You can’t stand entitled types actually. You already have figured out your little quirky way for doing just about amything, and THAT is what works for You. That’s the ideal way, you figure. If people in the world were more like you, “cool” and interesting, open-minded, willing to help others -because we’re all equal because we are all human beings, but were just intellegent (and the more “stimulating” the company, the better), because yall have a love/hate relationship with the world; you want to be peaceful and loving and helpful and would love to see a better world for All your brothers and sisters because it really Hurts/Upsets you to see Suffering, or People treating others unfairly, and for those who just want to be stupid, ruins it for the rest of the good ones. Hence, feeling a love/hate connection. Also, emotionally blowing hot/cold. Though more “cool” usually. Have met some very intersting characters probably, had friends at one point as a group that you saw like family and were actually very devoted to. You can be quite loyal, surprisingly -despite the innate need for freedom, regular space/time to disconnect and pursue whatever interests (usually offbeat, occult, music, youtube or movies, human psychology, technology/computers, art -since you have both an artistic AND a scientific turn of mind -cool as hell but almost kind of “nerdy” at the same time, secretly. Or outwardly. You are Defintely your own character. -You are truly one-of-a-kind (yes, you Are Quite Special -and you know it too!) There is no one else quite like you out there. Which is a damn shame too aint it? Because you would love nothing more than to meet and group up with others that have a similar mentality/like-minded who are trustworthy and just “good people” NOT full of ulterior motives, liars selfish, bigots/ judgemental, or and just dumb as hell -you Cant STAND folks like that. And you already know a couple calculated, clever words or a sentence on your end, to sum them up to their faces, and hit them with that “Truth,” and whoo! -you could Scar them For Life. LOL, and you know it too. (Dont do it man! ; ) Nah, you wouldnt want to purposely go out of your way to Hurt Someone. Peace amd Love, like a Hippie mentality (and a dash of Boheimian/ Melnacholia too) -You bring alot more to this world than you realize. Even your mere exsistence probably “inspires” others to some degree. Keep doin you. Which kinda goes without sayin.. since you Couldnt be fake if you tried. No sir/ mamn. You’re a Real One. Nobody doubts that either, btw. Just watch the emotional “explosions” every so often, catching “quieter” folks offguard, and careful what you say, because your words are your weapons and you can actually turn acid-tongued pretty quickly. You got the right idea though! Just Slow Down, and TRY to Learn to Relax, pace yourself, maybe Complete a Project even every so often before your ADHD/Bipolarness kicks in again and your attention wanes to the next thing that captures your interest. Might want to consider mental health medication to help Balance yourself; I’m sure you have already defintely thought of this though. Matter of fact, you kinda are somewhat of a know-it-all too come to think of it. No ones getting a whole lot past you, are they? Haha.

    Hope you enjoyed my breakdown of Moon Conjunct Uranus (to a bit lesser extent, any Apects with these 2 “planets” together…)

    *I have MY Moon in Sag conjunct Uranus in Sag in the 4th House **both conjunct Jupiter in Sag as well (a Stellium therefore: )

  9. I have Uranus (Virgo) in the 4th (conjunct uncle Pluto for extra favour) does that have an impact? I’m very detached from family, the whole world really. I’ve always been the misfit

  10. Yep – Moon conjunct Uranus in 8th house Leo. Mine is also square Mercury in early Taurus, and square Neptune in early Scorpio which surely affects the pairing.

    What to say? I’m probably as confused as a well shaken martini but I think the stand-out quality is a love of “flow” – a life lived from one non-strategised moment to the next unplanned one. Nothing feels as thrilling as treating life as a sequence of bungee jumps. Obviously that spells “emotionally unencumbered” but not “frigid”. I related to your description of seeking to be “free of needs”. That seems to be the unconscious aim, as every need is subtly experienced as a potential shackle that might bend my freedom to its demands.

    On the plus side I can and do fall in love. I’m a serial monogamist – faithful, engaged and frank while it lasts. I’m also super tolerant – can’t ask for space if you are not willing to give it. But it’s not disengaged space; I’m interested, curious, and willing to go the extra mile. Just don’t “expect” it as “due” … that takes the magic out of it.

    1. Thank you for your affidavit.

      Would you care to speak more to the relationship you had with your parents? I am the father of a 9-year-old who has his Moon conjunct Uranus in Aries, 5th.

      1. I had a very close relationship with my courageous, extroverted, warmly expressive, impulsive mother, even though she regularly disappointed by something I could not forgive: lying. I was distressed far more than my friends when I understood Father Xmas to be a construct. What hurt me was less that the legend was proven false, but that my parents had gone to such trouble to hide their lie.

        My father’s irascibility, his moods, and his violent emotional outbursts frightened me – to the point that I stuttered uncontrollably until the age of 15. His repeated accusations of my lack of intelligence, and ineptitude were paralysing. I had a very low sense of self-estime. Their arguments were the stuff of nightmares, and I was afraid I was responsible for driving a wedge between them. Although I was very scared about it, once it happened, their separation brought untold relief. I experienced my father’s controlling nature as unbearable, and caustic. Beware of too much shyness in your son … it could become a barrier and a prison. Yet don’t push him to express … he can’t. The only approach must be validation, validation, encouragement, encouragement, validation. “You are NOT weird”, in other words. “You are different, unique, unusual even, AND that is perfectly fine with me. I love you just the way you are.”

        I can honestly say the most important ballast, and male figure was my ski instructor – a mountain man of few words whom I would follow through white nature without emotional ripples – I was extremely sensitive to atmosphere, and tranquillity was super-important. I appreciated routine for its reliability, strange as it may sound for Uranus. My emotional nature was always exceptionally intense, and what helped me most were activities that placated, and somewhat anaesthetised. Sport was fundamental as a way of releasing stress. The physical body was my salvation.

        He is likely to have very personal perceptions of the world, displaying what borders on telepathy on occasion, or demonstrate a curiosity for the magical, a lack of belief in the universe of form, an immediate sense of agreement with quantum physics and boredom with the predictability of Newtonian physics. He might be convinced he can do stuff that defies physical law, including … flight. In order to avoid splitting his experience into the exciting imaginary vs. dull reality, he should be brought to nature … to experience the magic of life expressing through form.

        Your son may be an inveterate idealist or hyper-romantic. He may have bursts of uncontrollable rage, and anger if he’s driven to bottling up his energy. As a parent I’d say that his physical body must be revered, accepted, praised, and not alienated, shamed or distanced, because your boy’s body will be his way into emotional balance.

        Hope this helps.

        1. Thank you so much Marco for sharing your story and definition. I found it to be spot-on with exactly how mine was. Which is crazy to think, yet really Assuring at the same time. I SOOO Appreciate that/you. You seem like a really good person btw. Bye 🙂

        2. It does help.

          I realized my son’s ability to engulf his environment long ago and know he is prone to bursts of anger when idle or disengaged (or when others disengage with him).

          Thankfully, my joy for sporting and the outdoors is rubbing off on him. So too is attention to detail and an argumentative or inquisitive nature. The praise he receives has led to success in and outside of our home, but what you stated makes me believe he could use more of it.

          He does perform a balance of pulling you just enough, and when it’s too much he is not shy to tell you. Ya, he is sensitive to energy and emotion.

          I want to move back to the PNW, where I know he and I can flourish.

          Thanks again.

          My father was a bit of a ruffian. Abusive and had his fits of anger and an ability to make a person feel worthless without words. Early on I engaged in some of those behaviors and my son’s facial expressions & reaction fed me the truth I needed.

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