Which Mars Sign Triggers You To Beware?

mars swordEveryone has Mars in their chart. Everyone is a danger in their own way. Everyone is effective in their own way, etc.

I wonder if there is one Mars sign, that gets your attention. I wonder this, because there is one Mars sign that gets mine!  I’m talking about just the sign placement, without consideration of any aspects.  For me, this sign is, Scorpio.

I don’t have a particular experience. I have not be cut by Mars in Scorpio, that I can recall, but I will always note it in a chart. I mark it in my mental register!

My mother had a Scorpio Mars. My sister and I observed it in action, for years, consciously, as we studied astrology when we were kids. Satori has Mars in Scorpio as does my son. These two are both inordinately kind and righteous people, however, I never, ever forget what they’re packin’.

I feel, if Mars in Scorpio strikes you, you’re looking a scar you’ll wear for the rest of your life. Not that they strike, often.  I have seen, Satori, deliver the goods, exactly once in near 25 years.  See what I mean? Stealthy! But I can feel the chill in blood when I recall this episode. I’m pretty sure what I said. “Remind me not to piss you off.”

And my son? Well, he’s so nice, no one thinks he’d ever cut.  He’s also got a very long Taurean fuse on top of that, but I can tell you for sure, that boy has knife.

What Mars sign gives you pause?

9 thoughts on “Which Mars Sign Triggers You To Beware?”

  1. Oeps! i know one. Little i can say. ..They more subtle than just scorpio ascendant like half my familie was. I left a job for one with mars in scorpio -A she boss but not an Eagle.

  2. I am weary of Mars in Libra, all this being nice and kind and darling and flowers and then WHAM, a cardinal hit job. Not obvious, not open but a tendency to blame me for blowing them up.
    It’s utterly unemotional, too.

    I used to be confused by Cancer Mars but my Scorpio Mars can at least connect to what’s going on.

    I live with a Libra AC but Mars there freaks me out. There was this Libra Mars guy who was passive aggressive to the point of unbearable, there was this Libra Mars woman so sweet and innocent hunting everyone’s husband and the unbearable loud and opinionated person with a Sun/Mars conjunct in Libra…

    1. omg was about to say the same. mars in libra triggers me.i also have a mars in scorpio. i am especially triggered by mars in libra in the 12th house. i befriend them first, and then they slowly errode my relational confidence. ew

    2. i know a male libra mars who cut off everyone, and the women were shocked especially because he gave so much of his energy. I can feel alot of the women took it hard and were somewhat depressed. To take away such “fine” energy when he worked like a dog for them. He did have a Scorpio sun and scorpio stellium though. >_<

  3. I dont think mars in a given sign is, by itself, a trigger. Gotta look at the whole chart to see whats it prone or pressured to do/act on. Then there’s factors of (im)maturity, personal reasons… list goes on.

  4. i have been cut off by Scorpio mars but he was a male admirer, who was relentless in his pursuit of me. He knew i’m taken but he couldn’t help himself and kept saying yes i respect you and your man and he’ll not bother me but he just couldnt help it. So finally i just cut him off, and hung out with other people from work, ignoring him, and he started getting upset because i wouldnt create a “friendship” with him. He never truly cut me off, but he stopped talking to me. C’est la vie. lol I think his “taurus venus” just won’t let go completely. >_< Anyway i'm leaving that workplace this winter when i go back to USA to help my elderly parents.

  5. Mars square Pluto because they play dirty. Not for me. Now I wonder (and if anyone has experience with this, let me know please), does Scorpio Mars trine Pluto play dirty? I’d like to think not.

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