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Mercury around the Zodiac - Gemini

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@Allie120 -- sorry for the incredibly delayed reaction!

Natally, my Mercury is conjunct my Moon, out of sign; sextile Venus and Jupiter, and Chiron; sextile Uranus.  Busy busy.

Transit wise, it's just past a square to the transiting node.  The Sun and Chiron are approaching square. 

But my description pretty much applies to how I always feel, not just these days.

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Lily said
@Allie120 -- sorry for the incredibly delayed reaction!

Natally, my Mercury is conjunct my Moon, out of sign; sextile Venus and Jupiter, and Chiron; sextile Uranus.  Busy busy.

Transit wise, it's just past a square to the transiting node.  The Sun and Chiron are approaching square. 

But my description pretty much applies to how I always feel, not just these days.

That's ok, Lily! These are up here for whenever anybody wants.

Merc conj moon sounds like you would we very expressive, sextile Venus very charming and affable and Jupiter, very big ideas and generous, Uranus, unique and surprising! Thanks for sharing!

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Virgo rising with mercury in Gemini in the tenth house. Mercury conjuncts venus in Gemini and I am a compelling public speaker with a smooth speaking voice. My craftiness is normally focused on reaching my goals. I am interested in self development in career development and leadership. I like to give presentations and I am known for having creative ideas ( I'm a Toastmaster. How mercury in the tenth can you get?). I try to organize my ideas and make them work and have been told I ask really thoughtful, engaging questions. I do wish I had a more steadier mind that could really stay focused on drudge work but I do well in overseeing moving parts of a project, organization and networking. I easily pick up languages and overall I am seen as intelligent. What I put my mind to I can learn. I find myself concerned with my reputation, integrity, responsibility, and how the world perceives me. My mom has mercury in Capricorn, so there you go.

But I do possess the general mercury in Gemini traits. I am definitely easily amused and can keep myself entertained. In my immaturity while in high school, I challenged the social norms. I didn't feel people really listened to one another or really paid attention to interactions, just kind of went through the motions of social engagement. So I quickly generated a small theory to test: that it would be more of how something was said rather than exactly what was said. And went to the marketplace to test.

I approached a librarian in the hallway and allowed my face to light up as I eyed her black shoes. As we approached one another, With a wide grin, I enthusiastically exclaimed "Your shoes are so ugly!!!" And she said "thank you!!"

It wasn't until we had passed each other and were further down the hallway that she realized the gravity of the exchange. But it also confirmed my suspicions. I later apologized and explained my thought process, but this is one of the ways my Gemini found a way to keep life interesting. And of course with my Sag moon, it made for a great story that others found entertaining as well.

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Mercury in Gemini here. Conjunct the IC in the 4th (which makes me a little more private) but otherwise no major aspects.

Don't let me start a story if you don't have 35 minutes to spare, or if waiting to learn what on earth Grover Cleveland and Mick Jagger have to do with our decision to buy our car in 2008 will drive you fucking crazy. I take "everything's connected" and "that reminds me" to an extreme.

Don't cite an incorrect fact in front of me. I've probably read about it and I'll remember the details really well. But invite me to trivia night if you want to win. We eat our for free a lot with those gift cards

Don't come to my house if you're allergic to newspaper ink or collections of 5,000 books.

Do come to my house if you want to enjoy wine over about a six-hour dinner conversation, or if you're into discussing politics-sports-photography-1930s French literature-urban planning-travel-genealogy-history-astrology-home decoration-Stephen Hawking-dogs-baby strollers-how my grandfather won the war-and-why I don't miss New York, all on the same evening.

If you do come, expect to be baffled as my wife and I banter in about six different languages, at least one of which is of our own invention.

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Surf and Turf said

Don't let me start a story if you don't have 35 minutes to spare, or if waiting to learn what on earth Grover Cleveland and Mick Jagger have to do with our decision to buy our car in 2008 will drive you fucking crazy. I take "everything's connected" and "that reminds me" to an extreme.

Haha this part made me laugh so much. I know just what you mean. Stories branch out  into sub stories but if you hang in there long enough - there will be a point - it's coming. Lol 

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Lily said
My Mercury is in Gemini, 5th house.

My internal communications are always dramatic, to the point where I don't know the difference between what my head/heart/gut think or feel.  I try to work on this because if I could ever focus/hone my skills, I think I could be very intuitive.  Possibly somewhat psychic.

I relate to what Tam said about dreams.  I dreamed my ex husband would meet someone soon after our divorce was final, and I dreamed her in detail down to her name, her outfit, her glasses, and her job.  I never told him about it because after being married to him, I learned that these dreams of mine really bother him.  Still.  I wish I could dream my future so vividly.  Then again ... there have been things/snippets.

Lately though, I feel like everyone is speaking to me over radio with poor reception across a vast distance.  Lots and  lots of static.  And when I miss something and ask them to repeat, I still can't make it out, even if they oblige.

Hi lily


My mercury is in the 5th house too and I think its so interesting in regards to romantic relationships. but since I haven't had any and don't intend to I focus it on my work. Just today I talked to a transcription service to transcribe my voice telling of a story about a movie idea. So I'm gonna cut and paste it into a script format. Cool huh?

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