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Planets in Their Own Houses

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Who has planets in their own houses? How potent do you think they are? Do you feel it? Do you feel it but it has a different flavor or color because of its sign?


For instance, I have three planets in their own houses: Mars in first, sun in fifth, Jupiter in ninth. I really feel my Mars…like ⚡️, even though it’s in Virgo. I can be fucking ON, fighting mad and all that…but as I’d described in another post, I don’t like to spar. I use that energy to calculate, the cut a MF from behind.

My fifth house sun feels so easy. The world is a playground! Let’s explore and have fun!

Jupiter in the ninth house seems more elusive to me. I cannot quite describe it. Except maybe the world is so big and fascinating and there so little time!

So how about you? Do you have any planets in their houses and can you feel the different dimensions and textures?

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Pluto in 8th. Love it. Probably my biggest gift.  I don't see a downside. 

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@elsa That’s awesome! That feels so powerful but I’ve been here long enough to understand its nuances.

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This is a really interesting question @allie120

I have Venus in 7th and Saturn in 10th.

I would say it may be harder to have strong/distinct awareness of these "home" planets, as if they meld into the background somehow. Like an item or piece of furniture you take for granted so it becomes invisible.

But of course they must be really strong in reality and perhaps it is over a lifetime we only start to grasp their workings. That probably applies to my Saturn for sure. 

With Saturn in 10th I meet unending obstacles in the "world" and have always had anxiety when being in the "world", unnamed dread. This later aspect is improving somewhat of late. I am incredibly resilient and tireless and always trying to push through obstacles in multiple levels, Saturn is in square to Pluto on my asc and Saturn is on my Mc. I think I'm meant to lead, mentor, teach but my subject is spiritual (Cancer) and there is a timing aspect whereby I can't do that until experiences shape me and teach me just so, so I can "be" and guide through that, I can't preempt that, so I wait, abide and learn. It's organic.

Venus in 7th I think is attracting, I have a sort of charisma I guess, but I can only know it through how others relate. Also I think I project love into others, see Venus in them and it's harder to experience self love. Perhaps a contradiction, but I really value love as a positive spiritual life force and it's probably my core value. I have an understanding of love I was born with that doesn't fit the human mental construct dominant on earth, I live by it, but it's led to great pain because these principles are rejected, devalued, denied. I keep going as I always knew the info people speak of on their death bed, that love is why we are here, there isn't anything else that matters. Things are improving in the world in regards to this, more people are getting in touch, but there is also a backlash or strengthening of fear and control. As I'm writing, it makes me think that this is linked to my Pluto too, somehow Pluto relates to Venus (Taurus-Scorpio), and I have Pluto in Libra, also Uranus libra. There is a lot to do with changing/transforming awareness around love. That's a mission for me of sorts, but I only just got to understanding the role of the internal love part (grew up with neglect and not shown love, very much a vacuum, conditional, the usual!) 

Thank you for asking this question, it really got me thinking! Be interesting to hear others experiences. 

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@sophiab I love your insight into it being more difficult to have awareness of the home planets! I agree! I think you need to pull them apart…like physically pull apart some sod or earth (always me with the tactile Mercury).

You know, 🤔, my husband has Venus in 7H, too!. I’m taking in all you’ve written…do you think you would say you have higher expectations of others when you are in a relationship with them? I don’t just mean romantic, of course, because the 7H is not only about that. I see sometimes my husband seems to be crushed when expectations are not up to what he sees is his ideal. Or maybe that’s a 2H thing?

Thank you for your thoughts! 

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@allie120 You got me thinking about expectations, I guess with the 7th house there's always that danger of projection, and if a planet is there, not owning the energy of the planet and finding it in someone else, so that mechanism of surrendering your energy to another could definitely lead to disappointment. And with Venus, I can see how there may be idealisation involved. I think Saturn is crucial with Venus in this respect. Saturn is a gift to the Libra/Venus energy, although not immediately apparent, but it deepens the Venus into experiencing a beautiful real which is worth so much more than any surface appeal, creates intimacy I guess you could say. But disappointment and realisation along the way is a big part of that isn't it? I think you've got a point here. I tended to connect that positive sense of the other with my Moon Jupiter and Pisces descendent, sensing spiritual or soul potential in the other, but I do think the Venus in 7th is connected to what you are describing.

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I should add, I love house astrology. It is underrated. The houses are very much alive and a beautiful layer of astrology to work with. You can feel people's houses as an energetic layer which speaks, its not just about "activities" of expression. 

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@sophiab it’s definitely not as up in the forefront as it could be.

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Uranus in 11th, Neptune in 12th.

I definitely relate to my Uranus - lots of different/out-there groups of friends, I am mostly on the fringes of these groups, enjoying the different perspectives they bring to my life. I am loosely involved with a few organisations that mean something to me, mainly social justice causes.

Neptune, I always thought everybody could easily slip into a spiritual state of mind and just 'be one' with the Universe. I can vividly remember the first time I felt the energy of the trees around me, assuming everybody felt this. I asked around and (mind-altering substances notwithstanding) just got funny looks. Typically 12th house, I generally keep things like this to myself now.  Same as the sorrow I feel/have felt - this is very private to me and I have never disclosed these.

On the whole, I feel these placements can either leave me feeling like an outsider, or at peace with everything around me, probably depending on transits.

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@plutolover Currently the most sound advice I get is from trees. I'm a Pisces Moon. If I have to come back to earth again next time I want to be a tree, they are some sort of ascended masters in terms of their consciousness!

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@sophiab I'm also a Pisces Moon, and yes, we can learn so much from trees. I'm so grateful to have this connection with them!

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@sophiab There’s energy there!

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@allie120 Noticeably wood from the trees retains its consciousness, hence our enjoyment of products made from wood. Also, I've noticed that fallen trees still communicate. So much to learn, or remember lol!

edit for typo 🙂

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@sophiab Chinese new year beginning February 10 is the year of the wood dragon. The wood energy will be at its top strength for the coming year. I am happy about that!

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@ln Oh, that sounds like a good one! Dragons 🙂
I'm enjoying the rabbit energy of this year.

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@ln Oooo! Interesting 🤔😃

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@sophiab oh wow! I mean, I can see that being a thing. We are all energy, maybe not fully understood yet.

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@plutolover What a great explanation of your planets in those houses. I feel that it might help people understand these houses, even if they are empty. I know I will look at them differently. Both my 11 and 12 are empty but their signs never made sense to me…as in, how they work together.

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@allie120 It's funny - I didn't think I was explaining them well at all - 12th house!

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Sun in 5th and Mercury in 6th. Not to mention they're in their home signs.

I literally radiate. I feel it. Others do too and I understand why some want to get away from it. Too much sun is never good. Too much Mercury (I have ADHD) is my brain never shutting off. I'm used to all this but people I don't know...

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@lislioness omg I love this explanation! Thank you for sharing.

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