Pluto is still in Capricorn, but Saturn (ruler of Capricorn) is now in Aquarius, which means ….
Society might be shopping for a new “bad guy”, the black sheep that will knowingly or unwittingly wear the collective's shadow so we might work on our issues, personal and/or as a group, in absolution.
Where or upon whom does the collective now project its shadow?
What or who is the collective’s new shadow?
What or who is the collective’s new shadow?
I'm going with technology. Great question.
Bill Gates maybe? He is already taking a hit. He is a scorpio and has his pluto in leo. Born a few days before me. Then there is Joe Biden also a scorpio. Kamila Harris also a strong scorpio natal chart. Scorpios tend to get alot of Sh@@ thrown at them that peeps just overlook in other signs. Speaking as a scorpio who has dared to go where others do not tread.
I agree with Elsa, and that "Social Dilemma" movie has already planted the idea in a lot of people's heads. Technology is definitely not above suspicion from the collective.
On that note, has anyone noticed the category on Netflix called "Fight the System TV Shows"? Gross! What a segue from Pluto/Saturn in Capricorn to Aquarius...
Technology companies have so much control over our life and they have become increasingly authoritarian. They are just a tool for humans to communicate and do business and I hope Pluto will put them back in their proper place.
They are our new bad guy because slowly, over the years they've gotten out of control while we weren't looking. They are all powerful now. They know everything about all of us and its all been saved for years, for later use. They want to know more and more about you all the time and the question is why. It really is scary and I hope we can change things before Pluto enters Aquarius. Its time to knock them down, alot.
It really reminds me of that movie scene from 2001: A Space Odyssey
I guess i'm confused about the Collective Shadow. If technology is wearing the's a projection of the culture's own darkness.....correct?