
Saturn conjunct Nat...
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Saturn conjunct Natal Moon in Pisces

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Hi guys, I'm looking at the beginning of this for my Pisces moon -- at this point it's about 3-4 degrees out.

My moon is in my 2nd house, closely aspecting my midheaven. I also have Mars (10th house) & Neptune (11th house) aspects.

I'm really not looking forward to this. To be honest, I think my mother is going to die ... and then I'll have to deal with my brothers (and our inheritance) in my 3rd house, when it goes into Aries.

I'm looking for personal perspectives on when this happened to you. The last time this happened to me, I was around 10 years old. My entire group of friends rejected me and it created a profound shift in my world view.

What happened to you? What lessons did you learn when you got out of it?

astro 2gw anonymous hw.56258.3364310


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Sorry -- to clarify, I mean this is a transit! Not a natal aspect 🤗 

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Are you talking about Saturn tr moon... conjunction? 

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@soup Yes, Saturn transit conjunct my Pisces moon 🙂

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I have Pisces Moon at 7 degrees (6th house). Saturn moved to 7 Pisces in June 2023 and stationed there so all of June it was exact. Then Saturn returned to 7* in February 2024 but only for a week was it exact.

The first pass was actually ok, not like I feared, I got a lot out of it. It was for the most part a strong test of my boundaries. I'm a freelancer and I was negotiating a work contract as I'd been encouraged to join the company I worked for. The contract negotiation started early June, and I went in confident and then had to withstand a lot of tricksy confusing behaviour from the person I was negotiating with about the role and salary. It took a very long time, in the end about 6 months and I was well out of my comfort zone doing ti alone and with no HR/legal support, but my intuition was leading me to stay strong. I was also dealing with other elements in my life where I needed to create a very firm boundary and stick to my guns. I feel like I had a lot going on on many levels and although I could see it was a handful, I could also feel i was managing it well, if not better than before, like strengthening my inner authority based on my own experiences. 

The second pass in February 2024 I was feeling more tired from the challenges of the year before and remember just needing to continue sticking to my guns and keeping boundaries strong. It passed quicker which was good.

I thought something would happen to my mum but it didn't at the point of its being exact. However, she did break her hip and become incapacitated in late November 2023. It was odd as I had to take her to hospital and it was like she was the baby and I was the mother because she was suddenly helpless. This was very triggering for me as I had very difficult beginnings where she nearly died. This event added sudden unwanted responsibilities to my plate and much stress, but she was back to normal, if not better than before, by March. I was meantime, still trying to organise the contract and perform highly at work.

I'm guessing it is all related to the conjunction, although it happened in the period when Saturn was rx and then went direct moving forwards towards my Moon again. That phase of high stress really helped me clarify my parent's personalities, their relationship to me, my chldhood, and how that has affected me - i.e., my inner relationship to myself. Although I had to swallow some hard bitter truths and realities in this period, it has helped me feel stronger and more true in myself. With Pisces Moon there tends to be some illusion about the maternal relationship which protects the person from reality. Breaking through this is hard but very liberating. It enables you to mother yourself in a true, positive way.

So I hope this gives you confidence that it doesn't have to be too stressful a transit...I mean if there are stressful elements around it, then Saturn seems to give you a lot of backbone, like a surprising amount of strength to help you change and grow. 

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@sophiab This is such an amazing response, thank you.

My mom has had a chronic illness for most of her life and we’re seeing signs of her not being able to live independently. I’m visiting in August, and I’m preparing for some serious talks about her next steps.

I'm fortunate that my brother & his wife live in the same town and will be able to handle much of what may transpire, but it’s not easy.

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@shortpants I'm glad I was able to provide a really recent experience.

I hope with your mum that maybe like with my situation the changes lead to greater stability, both for your mum and for you. 


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I was 5-6 when this transit happened to me, so I don't remember a lot of the meaty stuff. I felt like my parents were being mean to me (they were) and I barfed a lot, because it's Cancer and also because I was kindergarten aged lol.

I second all that sophiab said. Don't be surprised if your mood and energy are low, especially since Saturn will be inconjunct to your Sun while it transits your Moon. Re: your mother, this transit is unlikey to show her death unless there's already something seriously wrong. I would have been more nervous about loss of a mother when Neptune (the dissolution of all things) was transiting your moon (mom). Your Moon is well-aspected and you didn't provide context that your mom is sick or vulnerable, so this transit doesn't scare me terribly much. Look out for when Mars, Uranus and Neptune do stuff.

Y'all can fuck me up if I'm wrong, but I've always been under the impression that the 8th house has to do with inheritance, not the 2nd. When Saturn is moving thru the 2nd house, you're going to feel the weight of money. Pressure and responsibility to learn. Responsible for your own self-esteem. Alone in your ability to create material and physical security for yourself, and/or lacking in them. Emotional boundaries and self-sufficiency are going to be incredibly important.

It sounds like you're feeling unstable in this area, because Saturn is already here and you're worried about your Mom falling out of your life, because (I assume) she is a stabilizing force in your life. I also see Saturn transiting your Moon as just a rude awakening, that she's not going to be around forever. You're also acutely aware of and susceptible to the basic state of man as mortal, because Pluto is hanging out in your 1st right now. I can't think of anything else to add at the moment but I'll come back if I get a light bulb. I hope we all gave you some grounding tonight.

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New name, same Katyusha. Just trying things on and making myself a bit harder to stalk.

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@rusalka thanks for letting us know.

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@rusalka 8th house def rules inheritance! But, Saturn will be in my 2nd house opposing my Virgo 8th house, and my mom’s a Virgo. So maybe I’m just doomsdaying, but it’s definitely possible, I think. She’s also had a chronic illness for most of her life and I’ve seen indications that some decisions will need to be made re: her ability to live independently.

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Posted by: @shortpants

I’ve seen indications that some decisions will need to be made re: her ability to live independently.


I can defo see that scenario playing out with Moon-Saturn. But I don't see it as a sudden death card.

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I'm really sorry to hear about your mother. I wish her, you, and your family much peace. 

Lost my beloved grandmother recently, who had a lot of assets, and wow, there were so many things we didn't realize were not cleared up in the will. There were talks over the years (so & so is getting this, etc) and so it seemed she was on top of it, but at the end of the day, despite the "owner," everyone is actually involved. I wish we would have insisted on more transparency despite it being uncomfortable while she was still alive. Once the person is gone, it's all a matter of opinion, and we know how that goes. 

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@belladonna When my dad died, there were so many questions left unanswered. It was really sad and confusing. I still don’t know if there was a will. My family is weird.

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