Hey Elios, I think we might be close to the same age. I was born during the conjunction of Pluto and Saturn that occurred in Nov 1982. From what you've mentioned, I think you were born not that long after me
I'm sorry to hear about the period of unemployment- I had this while saturn was in my 10th, but then I did choose to leave university and look for work the week the global economy's crap hit the fan in 2008. Unemployment can be so crushing, especially if you're already experiencing depression. Neptune in Sag though sounds like it's helped you find a new vison- it seems like a fantastic placement for teaching music, or creating it- I wonder if neptune is well connected in your chart
I'm not sure if this is also the case with your chart, but for mine pluto/saturn sextile neptune aids creative ventures by being able to truly create something out of nothing! If this is the case for you, I wonder if saturn moving through the 12th was creatively fruitful. Despite the depression, saturn in the 12th was actually excellent for me creatively!
I'm not sure if this would be of interest to you Elios, however I also had a consultation with Elsa recently and she noted that Pluto conjunct saturn gives a person the ability to truly transform, noting also that saturn is exalted in libra and therefore has the potential to do well during the transit of saturn through the first. I have to admit that even though I know the astrology of this aspect, I had never thought of my saturn/pluto that way.
Just as another point of interest, last week when the aspect was exact I replaced my front door with a big heavy door with chunky hardware- I brought it with the intention that it could withstand years of weathering and use (very saturn). When the guy installed it, he noted how incredibly heavy it is- its like a fire door! I also had to put a "keep out" sign on our side gate as people have been entering our garden without permission. It seems that working on your property boundaries is also a manifestation of saturn/asc.
I will throw my chart up here, just in case having the comparison helps. I'm always curious about other people's charts when they talk about their transits, so I thought I would include mine.
Hi Haley,
You're right! I was born less than a year after you, in late September '83. Saturn and Pluto were still conjunct, however, Saturn had moved int Scorpio so I have an out of sign conjunction between those two planets. They sit in my 9th house, about 10-15° away from my MC in Scorpio.
Neptune is very well connected in my chart. It is in the late 12th, corner of a grand fire trine I have with the moon, venus, and mars. This sounds like a boon, perhaps, but in the deep pocket of the 12th and squaring my sun in Libra, I feel like it has given as much deception as it has inspiration. Furthermore, my Pluto/Saturn pair opposes my moon -- it's a wide opposition but it applies -- so the tension is there. This means I have a kite formation in my chart, and I'm working hard in my 30's to pull of the potential of this pattern.
What Elsa said about your Pluto/Saturn together is fantastic. What I've read in my astrology books/online has been pretty harsh, ie. this conjunction is often seen as a cross to bear. But I like to consider the silver lining, and as Elsa always says, "Energy is neutral until directed"! I truly believe this! We are, eventually, what we choose to make with what we've got.
The lesser elements in my chart are water and earth: I have 2 points in water (Saturn and MC + Pr. sun), and 2 in earth (ASC and mercury). The rest? All fire and some air. So lots of sparks, but not much kindling to catch the fire and ground it. This is why I think the Saturn into the first earthy house will be wonderful for me. Learning staying power and application is clearly part of my process. Saturn in Sag was creatively productively in the sense that I wrote a lot of music during this time, but it was a murky time whereby I was so psychologically destructive (ie. negative thoughts on repeat) to the point that I had to pull a full stop and address my mental residue, so I couldn't really move forward and give all my energies to my work, artistic or professional. For a mostly cardinal/fire-y person, this was like being in purgatory. Lethargy and "what's the point of this life???" where the predominant emotional cornerstones. I had to work really hard just to be functional. Like walking in water with weights on your ankles.
That is great that you are working on your home.... Your chart is super interesting--what a 12th house you have! This must be great for your counselling career. One observation: given that transiting Pluto is conjuncting your natal Mars right now, thereby pinging that natal square to your 4th house moon, it would make sense that you are driven to work on your home and domestic life right now. Cool!
I also have an Aries moon...
I was 13 and going into 8th grade. I don’t remember much significance...I wasn’t too crazy about my teen years. Very awkward appearance. Gawky. Braces. No hair style. I probably spent a lot of time writing and reading and walking in the woods with the dog, playing on the farm behind us. I think my father complained that I was alone in my room too much ?
I landed in Denver, on my ass.
Well I had my Saturn return the landed On my asc in SAG. Moved to where I live now,Hubby got sick,Money became scarce again. What else is new? I think The Pluto Transit is hitting more than the Saturn. Pluto in Cap in my second house.