
super Yin Pluto & t...
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super Yin Pluto & the power to pull

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Pluto Scorpio Rising + Mars 8th here 🙋‍♀️


mega Pluto folks, how do you channel your yin powers/pull in? 


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Ha ha. No one wants to reveal their secrets!

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Libra Noir
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@elsa Lol. I’ve been thinking about this all day  but don’t have a great answer because it presupposes things that I don’t experience. I feel repellent (to use your verbiage) most of the time and I don’t feel that I ever get what I want, people especially.

Maybe I’m wrong! You did tell me in a consultation a long time ago that I’m very yin but I’ve never been able to understand it much less apply it in any masterful way. Maybe I don’t understand the concept of yin?

 I feel that if anything I’m like a vortex but many people resist those things because they feel like they are being devoured? I can only infer from my own perception but also from my experiences with Plutonian people.  I don’t feel like it’s a power because it seems to have caused so much alienation for me. If there’s a trick to it I have not been clued in as of yet. 

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@libra-noir I completely get this and it resonates for me too! my experience for sure... I've seen both ends of it, but I feel like I've experienced more of the negative, which is alienating like you mention - I think especially for Plutonian women, that sort of power doesn't go over well in patriarchal society

Libra Noir
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@belladonna I never thought about it in terms of patriarchy. I think there is a really subversive energy that I have, no matter what the thing is that is being subverted, wether it’s a societal structure, workplace dynamics or an individual’s ego structure (including my own). Very threatening to people who are attached to such things. Not that there’s never anyone who’s appreciated me for that (because these structures do not work for EVERYONE) but just that I tend to bear that alone. 

And I guess I did think of a way I use my “pull in power” and that’s when I don’t feel appreciated. When I pull my energy and attention away from those people they do react, usually by making some sort of effort to bridge the gap. But generally by that time I’m over it- the damage is done because it feels like some sort of game. I guess that is a way to regain my own power but I never feel like I’m the one that initiates that dynamic. 

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As Libra Noir said, I often feel repellent, and can often sense people pulling away from me, much to my dismay. I have no control over this, it's all subconscious.

Having said that, I do often get what I want, and I don't have a clue how 😀 . It goes like, I'll see something or someone and think 'I want that in my life', and then after a time, usually in a pretty roundabout way, there it is. I wish I could harness it for the big things in life!!

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@plutolover same! I always tell the story of when I was a kid - I would spot who I wanted to get to know 1st day of class - who I was intrigued by for whatever reasons... and before long, I pulled them in somehow, or in other words, they became my close friend. I don't know how the hell either haha!

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I don’t have any power, yet I have 5 Scorpio in my chart including ASC. Maybe because all my Scorpio planets are in house 12, maybe not after Libra Noir’s and Plutolover’s replies. I feel people are scared of me and stay away from me.

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Pluto can also be very yang, yes? 
Pluto/8th/Scorpio can use energy to push out or pull in. Energy=power. So to pull in, you’d have to have a certain amount of energy you’re emitting. Moths look for a light source to fly around right? So to me, it’s not just yin, it’s more yang actually when it’s attracting, just not overtly so.

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