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Random Thoughts & Conversation - Part 2

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Paramount just killed MTV.


“Basically, overnight, they wiped out over 30 years of news archives of music, history, and culture completely erased, obliterated from their website.”

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@elsa I was just thinking about Palladia the ither day. I can’t remember if that was a separate channel or who owned it but they had concerts and performances on it all the time. I LOVED it. Anyway, it’s long gone as is MTV.

MTV was so revolutionary when it started. It was the It Girl of music and technology.

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I came across this, written in 2008, when my son was nine years old.

His serious gf is a double Aries.  Ha ha ha ha

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@elsa he's Taurus Libra rising? Explains (besides genetics) why he's so beautiful.

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@soup No, he is a Libra moon/rising and Taurus sun - so Venus ruled.

But he has Aries on the 7th... and Mercury Jupiter In Aries, for his mothers, Mars, Mercury, 9th signature.

So this gal,.. not double Aries, sorry. She has sun, Mercury, Mars and Saturn in Aries with a Leo moon.

I would not be standing in this girl's way, lol.  I like her a lot!

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@soup also, thank you for the compliment. Smile

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@elsa That boy is especially beautiful. He has never seen an unattractive day. I have a Libra sun, son. 😊 Libra and Taurus are so attractive.... they are blessed with exceptional looks. You have Libra too. 

My 4th house is Libra..... and it's full of something 😳 but I don't have any Libra I can brag about...   I got me a big ole Taurus moon 😊 


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This wouldn't be that scary if it weren't something that may probably happen at some point.... this is like the sinister smart house.... 😳 

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Hades Moon
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@soup ohhh…I agree. This is eerie.

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@hades-moon freaks me out. I try to imagine what this world will be like in 50 years. Can you imagine?

Hades Moon
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@soup Frankly, it does scare me and in a way I’m glad I won’t be here.

I am concerned for our young ones and I truly hope/pray that things won’t get as crazy as I imagine.

Surely, overtime some of this madness will calm down and people will value humans over machines again. I hope they value humans more than ever after experiencing the fakeness. Maybe that could be the best outcome 🙏🏻 🤞🏻 

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@soup omg I can see this happening. But that’s a movie I would definitely check out. Yikes. 


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@allie120 ever wonder what they will be dealing with in 50 years. It's gonna be weird.

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@soup it’s so creepy to me and you all, I know. Alexa and all that is not creepy to our granddaughters at all. I can understand why, of course. Our son, their uncle has it and the girls think it’s fun.

I can’t even imagine where people think this will end. Things are being erased. That’s where I think the transhuman stuff is.

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@elsa Nobody will see the northern lights if DG keeps spreading at this rate! My MIL is a property tax assessor, and she had to take a whole class on how to handle DG units because they have such elaborate schemes in place to avoid paying taxes. Oh, and my husband's client is a concrete contractor, and he stopped taking DG jobs because they build things so cheaply that it's impossible to make any money on their projects. I still couldn't stop my mom from shopping there when she was up here this summer. 😝

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Today we went to the property to get all the pumpkins that were ready to pick. The farmer on the adjacent property grows tobacco. There were workers out there and about half the field had been harvested. Today the farmer came by and stopped to introduce himself. He knew a new person owned the property next to his but he’d never met us. We chatted for awhile. We asked how his crop was because tobacco plants are very nice and lush and every field you see is so proper and well-groomed, if you will. He said there was too much rain at the wrong time and many of the plants were getting rot in the center but much of it could be saved. He started farming when he was 25 and had a 75 year old man working for him. The man had been doing it all his life. The only difference between back when tobacco farming started here, and now, is that now they use tractors in the field.

They cut the plant and drapenit over a long board, carried by a tractor. They fake these leaves and hang them in tobacco barns, long barns that have slats on the sides to aerate and let air flow to dry the tobacco. Thisnis such an iconic northern Connecticut sight. Seeing tractors driving down the main street with tobacco hanging, the barns with their slats open.

This tobacco is used for the outer wrapping of cigars. When I first moved to the area in 2000, I never knew such a thing. But it’s so proudly regional and historical.

Anyway, we are enjoying our bounty of pumpkins, squashes and corn. We will go back each week to check on the remaining butternut and spaghetti squash, and maybe pumpkins (again, too much rain at the wrong time affected the crops).

We stopped by the local brewery to have a pumpkin ale to 🍻 our success and our learning process!

IMG 2120
IMG 2119


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@allie120 Gorgeous!

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Hades Moon
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@allie120 How Lovely!

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@hades-moon Thank you.

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Fun! Thanks for sharing Smile

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@jana My pleasure!

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