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Random Thoughts & Conversation - Part 2

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Does everyone know that Walmart has sensory-friendly hours in their stores?  8-10 am

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@elsa I had no idea.

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@allie120 I was in a store and heard it announced.  Came home and learned it's nationwide.

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@elsa That’s so interesting.

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I saw a car, locally, with a big sign in their back window, reminding people to check on their people... friends and family.

My exercise class, wants to go somewhere to just sit down and talk. 

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@elsa That sign on the car is a great reminder.

And that sounds like a nice time, your exercise group getting together to talk. That should be fulfilling and interesting.

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@elsa the sign is right! What a great opportunity to make really good friends. I would jump at the chance to sit down with my exercise class. What a gift. You will fall in love with that group. You know how good you are with older people. 

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@soup Yeah, but I just don't have time like they do... they're all retired... really everyone I know is retired, except for denamaria. I just don't have time.


I am being invited, constantly.  They have something called "primetime".  Every week they all go somewhere.  This is aside from sitting down to chat... which I will find time for.

They appear to be mostly nurses and hairdressers - which is typical for my friends!

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@elsa You are really going to enjoy that group. I bet the stories they have to tell will be rich. Wisdom and laughter 😊

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@soup Yes, they are all funny... the main gal lost her son and both her parents in short amount of time.  She runs a grief support group.

We are doing yoga to bible verses now. Yes.

Yoga is considered satanic by many religions...but I think it might switch up when you do them in this manner, which is truly funny and also uplifting!

I have kept my mouth shut, so far, for the most part.  My husband on the other hand..

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@elsa I bet he is a cut up in that class. I would pay cash money to be able to see it!!!! I'm still laughing from a page back at "Baywatch" 🤣 falling over laughing ....

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@soup I took that down. No one says anything, so I figure I am the only one who thinks he's funny!

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@elsa No.... he is funny. He is HILARIOUS. I am still laughing. I had my hands full when I was reading it ... peeling peaches... sticky hands and didn't respond, but I read it. Hilarious. I was swiping and peeling and laughing my ass off!

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@soup I think so, but silence reads as rejection, disapproval and such. I feel 80% rejected on my own site, but I still have to be here.

These are just my feelings behind the scenes. It's often humiliating, frankly. An exercise in humiliation?  But I did pray for humility, so.... I asked for this. I can't be denied.

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@elsa I swear to God it is not you. People are so broke, so scared, so angry, so caught up by a media that is doing everything they can to divide us until we shatter. It isn't you. The people I talk to which may not be many, but enough, are scared Elsa. I don't think they know what to say or think. They are having a hard time feeding their kids. They are being evicted, they are not making ends meet, they are losing their cars and their homes. 

I swear to God it is not you. You are probably all some people have to hold on to. 

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@soup     I agree.

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@samiam Yes. So many people are hopeless and don't know what to do.

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@elsa I wanted to second what @soup said. Personally, I'm always checking in throughout the day and grateful you and others have the strength to keep talking and sharing day to day news as well as astro. I chip in when I have the where-with-all. Stage 2 of my Chiron return is absorbing my energy somewhat atm, it's like living under a bell jar with traumatic history, very integrating and healing for sure in long-term, but will be relief to get out. Like a phase of unpleasant medicine.

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Oh no, you mustn't take it personally!!!  I, for one, love all the stories you post, especially about your husband.  That's when I really miss the "Like" button, or having an instant reaction mechanism.  Most of us simply won't take the time and energy to comment positively.

I've heard them and find those absurd criticisms of Yoga (and Tai Chi, martial arts, and even dance!) so infuriating and sad.  If only everyone learned all about all cultures, traditions, and religions, surely the world would have far less war, ignorance, and hatred 

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@elsa So sorry you feeling this. I explained that I DID respond and had a big reply.... but you took the post down, so I thought I MUST BE REALLY OUT OF TOUCH AND DID NOT send.

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@nona thank you! And I'm sorry!

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Our family friend, who's son stayed with us, two summers, had that event; she had to get a colostomy bag. Months later, the took it out, two days ago. She's still in the hospital; they think she has a clot in her lung. Damnit.

Her daughter is the once communicating. 

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@elsa Oh no!

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My husband and I have five toothpastes going, all different types. We usually have four, but the dentist gave him a sample so it's five, for now.

This is an area where his Venus in Gemini mutability, shows itself.

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@elsa my Venus in Gemini is part of a stellium. The multiple toothpastes thing is just one area where I relate! (For the record, I have 2 toothpastes and a tooth powder on rotation. Thinking of adding a dunk in 3% Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide, my latest study.) 

I am also that way with food. I mix at least two cereals together every morning and have about 6 boxes open at a time. Just finished a sandwich - half cream cheese and black raspberry jam (canned from my neighbor's farm in Michigan) and the other half peanut butter with the same jam. I really enjoy salsa and yogurt parfaits where you are meant to pile on the different flavors. Don't even get me started on tea. My lazy susan is stocked with 30+ boxes of tea, of which I probably have 20 open. I drink 2-3 cups per day and have a day of the week rotation of my morning black teas. In the evening though, anything goes! Just depends on my mood or what "ailment" I would like my tea (herbal at night) to soothe. The functional teas are particularly fun because they pack so many different ingredients. This is where my Gemini Venus - Taurus Moon really work together nicely lol

I keep about a dozen browsers open on my phone for various subjects. This blog is one of them!

When I find a shirt I really like, I tend to buy the same one in several colors. I love colors! I have an Olympic Swatch Watch collection going. My friend has brought them back from the Olympics for me from Paris and London, and I also have Rio and the '96 Atlanta games (my first one, it is really cool).  The Paris one has the mascots and the Eiffel tower on it. It is technically a kids watch but I have very small wrists and it fits well.

Clearly you hit a subject very dear to my heart. I am sure your husband is filled with fun facts! I didn't even touch on my love for those! The more random the better.

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@tbb Taurus w/ Venus in Gem, stacks variety. 

My son does this too, with his shoe collection... other various Venusian hard goods.

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@elsa I am sure there is a reason behind each pair, too!

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@elsa Taurus (stacks)/Gemini (variety)! 

My Taurus stepdaughter has no Gemini but a huge Taurus stellium, including Venus. She definitely just stacks. Shoes, too. Pisces moon. But not a wide variety of shoes, just lots and lots for the whole family.

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@tbb How fun about the Gemini multiple things 😄. I have none but I can totally relate to the 30+ browsers open because I might need some info or I have some interest happening or I was watching a movie and needed to find out some eandom factoid 😄

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@allie120 I hear that.  Sometimes you just have to hold off for the right time to read it too!

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@tbb Yes! You get it 😄

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@tbb 😄Loved reading this, sounds fun!

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@hades-moon I am glad to hear 😊 the little things can really make a difference!

Hades Moon
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@elsa 😄😄

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My mother-in-law's two brothers are coming to see her for her birthday. I think they'll be shocked.

Also, where is @nona

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@elsa I'm here ! Thanks for asking! This is big. The brothers coming. Hopefully will be good connection for your husband.

July and august were nose to the grindstone 48 hour weeks to build enough hours to get insurance in January. Im down to 3/12's this month. So I have more balanced time. I have been such low energy In started worrying and thinking I need some labs....or an astrology reading , like WTF. My mars return, no energy? Mars is opposing my PACKED 12th H  capricorn.

Until I remembered that I got lazy and forgot to refill the iodine drops for my coffee about a month ago. One month without iodine and I had NO energy. So I got bacvk on the iodine and joined the living.

Waking up lonely every day. Yesterday was grandparents day. I am alienated from my grandkids.

Pulling out my neglected garden. Ripped out the non producing 7 foot heirloom tomatos and there was a bunch underneath on the ground. So THAT was nice.

Made more pickeled eggplant and gave it away. Drying baskets of herbs everywhere.



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@nona (((((nona)))))

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I’m listening to a podcast episode that has gotten a crap ton of flack and sheer viscerally seething vague anger. But the guest is absolutely fascinating and it’s so interesting. I don’t think most of the “haters” have listened to the entire thing, or at least the segment they’re upset about (the episode talks about a couple of different topics). If you want to come to the table with real counterpoints, that’s good. But to not even be interested at all? To stomp out any “asking questions” and be derided for it?

I know this is not a sudden, recent thing, but I can think of many incidents upon which you ask people: did you watch it? Did you read/peruse the original document?

And no. There’s no curiosity. 

I think if someone said, I have no interest in this topic, I might have more understanding. I get it. Some things are not interesting to some people. But to have an extreme and active hatred/othering of someone/thing when you didn’t even bother to wonder…

And as a caveat, I am sure I have blind spots because 🤷🏻‍♀️. But no curiosity? When I can give someone a real source, a link…and…


It makes me want to scream and I think that is also stupid because it’s me arguing with a brick 😑 (even if it’s just in my head because I don’t always mouth off).

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@allie120 I'm curious the topic.

It's possible it's bots, raging.

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@elsa Yes, that’s interesting. Some seem to be and others seem to have an “us vs them” preconceived mindset, like tribal. 

Sometimes I can scroll like I’m watching a social experiment.

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