Fortune Teller Says He’s Not The One!

Hi Elsa, I’m dating an Aquarius right now. We met back in high school and remained friends till 4 years ago when things between us kinda grew. It was a fast and very rocky start. We always fought and argued and it was a very, very difficult time for me. Eventually things started to fall

Unsure About Career In Social Work: Scorpio Sun, Capricorn Rising

Hi, Elsa I recently graduated from university and I have applied to grad schools in social work. The idea is for me to become a therapist in the future. My problem is that I just don’t feel strongly about this. I would love to feel extremely excited and passionate about the idea of social work,

Is It Ethical To Elect Your Child’s Natal Chart?

As reported on John and Susan Townley’s Astro*News: The Telegraph of Calcutta, India reports: Birth-fixing to beat Mars – Astrologers, not doctors, determine time of delivery “…Over the past two months, more and more would-be parents in the state have been opting for “birth by appointment” – that is, manipulating the time of delivery to

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