air man

My Husband Is Cheating With Multiple Partners

Dear Elsa, Two weeks ago, I found out my husband has been cheating on me. We have great sex, he is my best friend and I always tell him everything. We have been married for 12 years, have 2 children and we both dedicate everything to them and to ourselves at night. But I can’t […]

She Wants Copious Amounts Of Sex No Man Can Deliver: Aries Sun, Scorpio Ascendent

Dear ElsaElsa! I just love your blog! I like your insightfulness and your straightforwardness: no beating about the bush! Your posting on the mars-scorpio-sex-OCD-connection touched me! A wonderful example of how directness and empathy can go hand-in-hand, indeed! I am an Aries with Scorpio rising myself, so I do relate to this urge to” express

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The Secret Lives of Virgo – Redux: A Handy Example

I have Virgo in my chart, and as acutely aware as I am of my secret lives, Scott read this post yesterday and shocked me with this observation: Most of you know I write a lot of true stories, accounts of various experiences I’ve had. And I have this ability to recall dialogue, verbatim. From

Family Trouble: I Grew Up In A Religious Home, I Now Study Astrology

Hi Elsa, I am having trouble relating to my sisters. I talk to them all very superficially, but I feel I cannot be myself around them. We grew up in a religious home (evangelical Christians) but I am not religious. I curse like a trucker, I am pro-choice, I hang out with all kinds of

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