Search Results for: pluto in capricorn

outer planets 2024

Looking Ahead: Outer Planets Play Nice Into 2027

I wonder a lot! One of the things I wonder is how the stock market has not crashed. It’s a puzzle. There’s a lot of things that seem to be in some sort of suspended animation.  Everything and nothing is happening on a daily basis. The sky has been quite intense, particularly this summer. Many […]


Generation Alpha Born 2010-2025

Generation Alpha includes anyone born between 2010 and roughly, 2025.  Pluto entered Capricorn in January 2008, and will remain there until January 2024. Generation Alpha will be associated with Pluto in Capricorn. Pluto in Capricorn ushered in a period of great change and upheaval. Generation Alpha, as they will be shape the world after Pluto



Dianne M left an interesting comment on my Negative Affective Presence post.  She mentioned, “Cassandra”.  I am not sure if she was referring to me, to herself or to both of us, but it got my attention because it was something I’d never heard before.  I’m Michael J. Burry? I had to think about this. Who


Personal Transformative Drama & Avoidance

Most remain gripped in some kind of personal (transformative) drama. The Fixed T-Square is still quite tight. It’s about endurance on some level or more likely, levels. This process is painful and enraging. I hate to write this, but today and overnight may be the peak of the rage. This is because the moon in

no see evil

Can You Develop Psychopathy

Most agree that most psychopaths are born that way.  Some feel nurturing or lack of nurturing can affect a person in this regard.  In other case, developing psychopathy in a child may be the goal.  See, Are Psychopaths Born Or Bred?  Also, the Evil, Diabolical Brainwashing post, further down. I’ve come across another theory which


Hard Times Lead Us To Think Deeply

When times are good, it’s easy to live on the surface.  There are lots of fun distractions. Anyone who cares to look beneath the surface to see what’s lurking there is considered a wet blanket.  I can’t count how many times I have been tagged as “morose”. The longer the good times roll the more

Uranus in Gemini

Uranus In Gemini: 2025-2033 – Better Than Now!

I mentioned Uranus in Gemini in the forum yesterday. I mentioned it again in my newsletter today. I didn’t think anything of it.  Jupiter is in Aries and I’m looking for a fresh horizon, I suppose. In whatever case, I got an email about this. Hey, that’s not until 2025.  So? I thought. “So”, I

zodiac dresss

Pride & Regret

Lately, I’ve been trying to figure out why people maintain what amounts to  a death grip on their denial.  I understand the truth can be earth-shattering but the lies people will cling to are often quite silly. It occurred to me that pride would be one reason. A person may not want to experience regret. 

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