Search Results for: pluto in capricorn

fire and ice

Weekend Love Forecast – Unexpected Delights, Tending The Flame

Friday night, we hit the crossroads between the last full moon and the upcoming new moon in Aquarius, as the Scorpio Moon sextiles Capricorn Venus and squares the Sun. The Sun spends the weekend in sextile to Aries Chiron and an ongoing square to sign-ruler Uranus in Taurus. It’s a rug puller, but we end […]

forest and trees

Life Taking You In An Abnormal Direction

I first encountered astrology when I was eight years old. It seemed to hold a lot of keys. It’s also seemed inexhaustible.  Both ideas have been proven true. I write about how a person’s skills degrade, when they’re not utilized. The reverse is true as well. To use your skills is to hone them. I’ve

air man

Recipe For Success At This Time

Two days ago, we had seven bodies in Earth signs. Today, the sun, moon and Pluto are in Air signs. You can really feel the difference. Whether this shift feels good or otherwise probably depends on an individual’s makeup. I’m adjusting to feeling less tethered. I’m also observing surprising events and fast turnarounds. For example,

Weekend Love Forecast – Significant Change

Looking at the sky this weekend makes me depressed. To be fair, looking at my life makes me depressed and looking at the real sky is the only thing that feels a bit better. BUT, who isn’t having a tough time, really? Let’s be clear, me saying all this is just a lark, because this


Out Of Bounds Stress Wreaking Havoc

With Saturn and Neptune in Pisces, the Mercurial signs, Gemini and Virgo can become quite stressed. Saturn in Pisces distorts reality and dissolves a person’s sense of control. The Cardinal signs are challenged. Uranus in Taurus is messing with the Fixed signs. Pluto in Aquarius in on it’s way, sure to exasperate the situation. All

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