What Does Jupiter Retrograde In Sagittarius Mean To You? April 10, 2019

Jupiter paintingJupiter will turn retrograde on April 10th, at 24 degrees Sagittarius. The planet will transit all the way back to 14 degrees, where it will turn direct on August 11th.

On some level with is true for all of us: imagine yourself to be a wild horse.  You’re standing there, anywhere, in your life. You have the option to head in any direction you like.  All horizons are open to you.  This is the essence of Jupiter in Sagittarius.

With the planet retrograde, this period is extended. It’s not necessary to commit to a path until Jupiter transits Capricorn.

The path you take in 2020 is likely to be quite serious. You’re likely to be happy with it though, if you use this time to really check your options.

Think in terms of travel. You can travel anywhere.  But then you start to narrow your choices…

Maybe you don’t want to travel to certain countries or states.
Maybe you prefer to take a cruise.
If so, what ports are most interesting to you?
Are there places you want to avoid?

If you check these things out, it’s possible to come up with the best travel package your particular self, or soul, or family. Then, when Jupiter enters Capricorn and things get real, you’ll have a sense of peace. You’ll know that you’ve taken the best path for the highest good of yourself and those around you.

Are you mulling your choices at this time?

25 thoughts on “What Does Jupiter Retrograde In Sagittarius Mean To You? April 10, 2019”

  1. Rx Jupiter will conjunct my 11H Sag Saturn in early June. It will ingress my 10H for four months, then conjunct my natal Saturn again in early October. Maybe I’ll be retooling my astrology studies during this time.

  2. I totally appreciate the Jupiter/Wild Horse going retro view. This is JUST where we are now. Jupiter will retour bits of my 12th & then 11th… what as the valuable friendships worth investing in And which are best pruned away ? The Who and where are exactly my options to explore

  3. Actually I AM planning a trip…. I actually double-looked when I read it. It’s spot on.

    When it comes to life though… I am not yet planning or doing a lot. But thanks for the reminder and Thanks for spelling it out. ???

  4. But in some sense isn’t it a fiction that all paths are open? That’s how it seems to me. I’m being prevented from moving in ANY direction. When I do move, it’s not clear it’ll be my choice. (Sag moon here so it involves my home). I guess I should be feeling great (moon-jupiter) and ive has some great flights of fancy but nothing real.

    1. I see what you mean. But I see people keeping their options open at this time. Even Saturn types, who have a plan, have left some loose ends.

      1. Yes, to be perfectly honest, I guess I’m not sure either…but jeez, it’s frustrsting. Lots of good advice in the weekly though. Satori nails it again. Thanks to both of you ?

    2. This could be me writing this….( Sag. Moon, Sun, Mercury and Saturn) – haven’t felt what you’d call Real for Years….and I Totally agree with your first sentence…..

  5. It feels like this Spring Jupiter at 24 degrees Sag will come with bountiful gifts of good fortune for my romantic interest. Of course there are a million other aspects by transits, solar arcs and progressions, across multiple charts between us to contend with. You name it, and I’ve probably cast it. If these were medieval times I would be burning on a stake by now …… this blew me away:

    He: Natal sun/moon midpoint at 24 Leo
    Me: Natal sun/moon midpoint at 24 Libra
    Us: Composite sun/moon midpoint at 24 Virgo

    Stay tuned!

  6. I definitely plan to use up some vacation hours while Jupiter is in Sagittarius, though I hadn’t made the connection. I plan to get a new job around the time Jupiter enters Capricorn and I don’t know what my situation will be like then, so I want to make the most of this time. I think I’ve mostly made my choices but there are still details to be filled in.

    I am definitely interested in Jupiter going back into my 7th house…for a minute there I thought I’d entered a potential long-term relationship that would take me out of my home city, but that’s over now and not even by my own hand. So I’m keeping my options open there.

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    the laughing goat

    “But I see people keeping their options open at this time. Even Saturn types, who have a plan, have left some loose ends.”

    Just came to this conclusion over the weekend to leave some loose ends, keeping my options open, setting boundaries now that some things have come to light…

    Tr. Jupiter 10H, Cap Sun 12H. 🙂

    You nailed it Elsa!

  8. Not mulling choices, just trying to get going on stuff that needs to be done.
    Jupiter will be retransiting, retro & direct, my n Jupiter in 2nd house. Maybe a good occasion to re-think things over? I’m stuck right now and it’s getting pretty stale. Maybe I’m not ready yet? Hope I’ll get out of this rut.

  9. Interestingly, Jupiter is not even retrograde yet, but ever since its entry to Sag rather than expanding and supporting my friendships and groups (11th house), it’s been asking me questions and pushing me to think about which ones I want to belong to. I guess, that too is part of his support, but now I wonder what the actual retrograde will look like. Ha!

  10. So this is exact Jupiter return for me, stationing at 24 Sag with last touch in Nov. I am preparing for a life change, moving to another state closer to family and into sort of semi retirement in July, with house closing in May after I decided this weekend it’s a go. So timing pretty precise. Hoping this return supports this as a planting seeds for my future.

    1. LeoSun – I downsized an moved to a new home right before my Jupiter Return. Out with the old, and in with the new. It’s been a fresh start in many ways. Good luck.

  11. I am a Saturn type and I hate not having a plan. But Saturn, Jupiter and Pluto will all be in my 4th house, at some point conjoining my Jupiter in Capricorn in 2020. I I know something will happen, but when and how do I conceive of the plan?

  12. So….a few weeks ago Jupiter crossed my ASC, and then joined my natal grand trine with my Sun and Saturn. But that day I learned my job was ending, being outsourced once again. Now Jupiter will go back and cross my ASC again into my 12th, and cross back over my ASC at the end of the year. I thought Jupiter and grand trines were beneficial! I’m a single mom. I’m trying to be optimistic…

    1. I think what Jupiter does is Expand whatever you’re going through at the time – so if it’s good stuff, you’ll be experiencing more of that, but if say, you have Saturn and Pluto going through your 4th….Hello, Disruption and Trials with/at your very Roots….just my take on it, though.

      1. Carol I agree with you.

        My grand daughter was born with Jupiter on her Asc nearly exact.

        She wasn’t breathing and two plus hours of CPR brought her back to us. She had ICU for ten days before she could come home. I felt the luck of Jupiter in Sag was a factor but she sure went through a lot in her first several days. An ambulance ride to another hospital with her parents left behind for several hours was just the beginning.

        We love to hear her cry now. I don’t believe she had any noticeable damage neurologically from the trauma, but the neurologist says there could be minor changes related to the early trauma.

        1. Paula – glad to hear she pulled through – I remember reading years ago that Jupiter just across either side of the Asc. is like – “Here comes the Cavalry!” – rescued in the nick of time – I hope everything is fine with her in the future.

          1. Thanks Carol. I think it will be. It certainly felt like the cavalry when the team brought her out for our first look. She was laid on a “cool bed” at 91 degrees for three days before momma could hold her. Low stimulation during that time to reduce any chance of neurological damage from her trauma.

            I cry when I tell the story.

            I will always remember what you said about here comes the cavalry. Great picture!

  13. It’s going to square my Uranus/Pluto conjunction in Virgo, and I’ll have a lot of generational company in that. It’ll be interesting to see what, if anything, happens amongst our age group. My conjunction’s in my second house, and everything in my chart (not to mention soul) points to making some type of change re: work. This is one more thing. I need to check my skills and my resume, I believe.

    Personally, it will trine my Mercury/Venus conjunction in Leo in my first. I write, and I just signed up for a poetry class to expand my horizons. Had no idea Jupiter was Rx.

    The planet itself is transiting my fifth house, and my husband and I are at that stage where we’re reinventing the wheel of our relationship now that our kids are in their 20s. I consider Jupiter being there to be favorable.

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