What Is The Difference Between A Solar & A Lunar Return?

sun moonA natal chart is a snapshot of the exact position of the planets on the day and in the location where you were born. The sun was here, the moon there, Mercury was Mars was here, etc.

Your natal chart is fixed. But post the moment you’re born, the planets continue to orbit along their path at various speeds.

It takes the sun about a year to run through the zodiac. When it come around to the exact point it was when you were born, you can take another snapshot. The new chart is called solar (sun) return.

Your solar return generally takes place on your birthday, or one day before or after.  The chart is in effect for a year, covering the period, birthday to birthday.  If you pay attention, you can sense the shift, each year.

The moon also moves through the zodiac but it’s a lot faster than the sun. It’s takes the moon about a month to run through all the signs and return to exactly where it was when you were born. If you cast a chart for the moment this happens, you’ll be looking at your lunar (moon) return.

To recap: a solar return is a chart cast for the time when the sun (solar) returns to the exact place it was when you were born. Once a year!

A lunar return is a chart cast for the time when the moon (lunar) returns to the exact place it was when you were born. Approximately once a month. Get more info here:

Lunar Return Charts Offer Insight Into The Month Ahead

To recap: A solar return is a chart cast for the time when the sun (solar) returns to the exact place it was when you were born. Once a year!

A lunar return is a chart cast for the time when the moon (lunar) returns to the exact place it was when you were born. Approximately once a month.

These are standalone charts that do not interact with each other!

Do you track your solar and/or lunar returns? I sure do!

Get your personalized Solar Return Report.
Get your personalized Lunar Return Report.

1 thought on “What Is The Difference Between A Solar & A Lunar Return?”

  1. How about lunar phase return? How often would it happen that I get a lunar return by sign AND phase? (First-quarter Aries Moon with Sun in Capricorn.) I should start tracking those first-quarter Aries moons, even during all cardinal-sign Sun times…
    oh my goodness I just looked it up and this January 17th, there is a First-Quarter Moon in Aries, with Sun in Capricorn. And my birthday is on the 19th.

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