November 2008

What Sign Is Prone To Worry?

Dear Elsa I wonder whether a worrying nature shows up in charts, and in particular, a type of worrying I’m subject to. My all-time favorite saying is: “I have been through many terrible things in my life, some of which actually happened.” I see this as a subset of worrying: imagining something going wrong (when


His Scorpio Moon And My 8th House: Back In The Bathtub… The Princess And The Pea

“That got me a gun in my mouth,” I said. “Gun in your mouth?” “Yeah,” I said putting my finger in my mouth, up against the roof. “Like this. You know. Gun in your mouth?” I said with a smirk. “What? Like you don’t know what a gun in the mouth is?” He stared. “What

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Voice Of Mars: On Marriage

“Do you think we’ll ever manage to get married?” I asked the soldier. “I wonder sometimes if it will ever be possible.” “Well yeah we’ll get married. I’m willin’,’ he said. “Willin? You’re willin?” I started singing, Little Feat, “If you give me weed, whites and wine….” I belted it out. “I’ll be willin’! To

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