April 2010

The Cardinal Grand Cross and “Sudden Death”

When talking about Uranus squaring Pluto, the phrase “sudden death” comes to mind. I googled the phrase and pulled up it associated with heart attack and as the title of a movie but my personal association ties it to sport, (Wiki, sudden death – sport) where it describes a scenario in a game where the next point […]

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Can Love Turn To Hate?

In 1948, Hank Williams wrote, “My Love For You (Has Turned To Hate)” “I’ll ne’er forget, that sad, sad day Darling that you went away You told me that our love was true And then you left me ‘lone and blue Yes I received your note today Saying you’d come back and stay Don’t come

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Getting Caught Cheating, Denial, Acceptance Etc.

I mentioned to my husband how common it is people are caught cheating due their cell phones. Some gal picks up her husband’s phone and some gal’s name is all over it. “I think people know their spouse is cheating other ways besides their cell phone. Don’t you think, P?” I do think. I think


The Bartender – Part 2 – Mary’s Roots

Mary and her (step)father almost got along. He didn’t have the kind of problem with her that my father had with me that’s for sure. Do you wonder why she ran away all the time? Well I’ll tell you some of this story. Mary’s mother was single with three young children when she met this

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