
Violence in all forms. Some posts may be graphic…


8th House Perspective: Stabbed In Back? No Problem!

I have been talking about being the one to “hold the knife”. I don’t realize I’m talking in code. Here’s the root of this… ~~ I’m often asked about this series of posts regarding the use of other people’s negative energy. I wrote this fifteen years ago but it’s the kind of thing that will […]

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How Society Views Violent Crime: Pluto In Capricorn vs Pluto In Aquarius

Did you know there is no such thing a (violent) crime of passion? Up until 1980 it was widely believed that people went crazy and committed violent acts. They were out of their mind and this thing happened. They killed someone or whatever. Many people still believe this. If I ever sit on a jury

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Vintage postcard

Violently Attacked? Defend Yourself Effectively At Your Own Risk: Scorpio, the 8th House and the Shadow Side of the Collective

satori and I, still talkin”, circa 2007… “I’ve taken out more than my share of perps,” I said. “But in a lot of the scenarios I can think of, I’m pretty sure I’d be struck, frozen in fear with the rest of the masses. I don’t have any judgment about that, it just is. Some

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