February 2012


Hits You Like A Brick

Pluto is stationing in hard aspect to my natal Mercury. It’s uncomfortable. I know all kinds of dark and/or dire stuff.  I sense it, or I just know it or whatever. I feel bad handling this. It’s enough to make me sick because my natal Mercury in in Libra. I can’t tell you how much

Pisces Woman Wants Closure From Virgo Man

Hi Elsa, Back in October, I met a Virgo man. We got along wonderfully and I could tell we really liked each other; we talked everyday. As the time passed he called less frequently and backed away and when I questioned him, he said it was because he liked me. When I like a person

Taurus, Famous For Their Self Esteem

My husband was lying around calling himself a lazy hog and bum and so forth. It seemed harsh to me so I asked, “Why do you say that stuff?” “Don’t worry, P. No one can ruin my self esteem including me.” Is your self esteem solid?  Got planets in Taurus? 

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