November 2013

Mars And Tactics: Winning vs Winning On Your Own Terms

I was working with a long-time client who has been trained to think and act, tactically. With Mars (tactics) conjunct Mercury (mind) in my chart, I mesh easily with this sort of person. I love writing to her, because I know that above all, she wants to be effective in her life. It’s easy for […]

red hammer

Screwed Either Way – Karma?

“Would you rather be hit by the red hammer…or the blue hammer?” That’s the question my husband has to answer every day, if not multiple times a day.  Things really never seem to go his way. Once in a blue moon they do. But it’s hard to focus on those times when 363 days a

Jupiter Saturn

Sagittarius / Capricorn Types Can Be Such Flakes!

It’s usually a good sign, when you see strong Sagittarius and Capricorn (or Jupiter/Saturn) signatures in a single chart. These energies balance each other. The combination generally describes a “teacher/preacher”. You get things like “cautious optimism”. You get a visionary who will work towards a future goal, or someone who lives their beliefs for real. 

Choosing The Same Man, Over And Over

When choosing a partner, most of us have an “imprint” (Organic Attraction To A Physical Type) I see this all the time in consulting. If I work with a woman who has run through a lot of men, I see via the charts that she’s finding the same man over and over again, conscious or

Mom’s Favorite Child

I was talking to my 12-year-old son about some nifty psychological-flavored things I know. He’s always been advanced in this area. With Saturn in Scorpio transiting his Sun and Saturn in the 8th house,  I see him growing on this front. Hearing our conversation, my husband was a little surprised. I guess he thought that

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