August 2016

8th House: Jealousy? Fear? Possessiveness? Mothering Gene? Survival Instinct?

Re-running this from 2008. Kingsley was obsessed with analyzing the interaction between my husband and I. That aside, this is interesting.   Kingsley writes on Men, Women. Venus And Mars In Nature: “Jealousy is the anger about the prospect (scare) of being rejected. It could be a way in which you keep together Elsa. It would […]

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Jupiter In Libra: Teaching Love & Marriage

My husband and I going to start teaching a class in September. This is not something we planned or even considered doing.  All the sudden this gal was telling us, we’d be teaching teenagers. In fact, I interrupted her. “Excuse me just a minute, I’m a little confused. I don’t want to interrupt you but

What Do You Really Want In A Friend Or Partner?

That’s my son. He’s seventeen now and about to start college.   This is pretty much it, for me as a parent. I’ve tried to instill my values in him along the way. We talked about this, recently. A few days later, I read something along the lines of how it’s better to use your


I Want To Pick Your Brain

“In fashionable society one never insists, but listens with complacency to every kind of nonsense. He is not there to teach or correct; not if he belong there, to learn, but to wear fine clothes and to eat and drink.” – J.L. Spalding, 1901 I was six years old the first time someone told me, “I

mercury grayscale

Saying The Wrong Thing At The Wrong Time…

Mercury is stressed at the moment and will be for the next ten days or so. I’m very aware how inclined I am, to say the wrong thing at the wrong time to the wrong person for the wrong reason.  Awful, huh? It’s tied to the Saturn Neptune business.  “It seemed a good idea at

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