May 2022

question mark

Handling The Double Agents in Your Life

I’m just off the phone with an Aquarian client who I’ve worked with for many years. He made an offhand remark about the “double agents” in his life, as far as how he handles them. He’s got a rule in this regard. This was interesting to me on a number of levels.  First, I don’t […]


Life Slowing Down? Or Grinding To A Halt?

Just based on supply chain problems alone, I think most feel things are slowing down now, to a point where it cannot be denied. In fact, I can’t think of anyone who has not been impacted at this point, to varying degrees. Some are extremely pessimistic. Others have been hopeful but are now slipping into

Skills You Have That You Don’t Use Or Realize You Have?

The client is an Aries rising with Sagittarius, including Jupiter in the ninth house. She’s a candid, fiery teacher and she loves it when I write about her. For reference, this gal is also, The Sore Winner. I’ve worked with this gal awhile.  We interrupt each other a lot, to the point where it’s funny

bad moon rising

Bad Moon Rising (With Aries)

It must be this Scorpio eclipse. I got thinking about someone in my past or more particularly, their brother.  It was my high school boyfriend on my mind.  Pretty serious relationship, really. Three years and voted “most likely to marry”. In whatever case, he had a brother. His brother was older and very, Very, VERY

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