June 2022

marriage wedding rings

What Are Your Beliefs Around Marriage?

Working with an international clientele and it is imperative I consider a person’s culture. I just can’t plop American values or standards onto whoever happens to contact me. It would be disastrous.  One area where differences really show up is when the consult concerns a marriage. Marriage means different things to different people. To some […]

meet the planets book cover

What If My Child Has A Stellium In Their Chart?

A stellium is a group of three or more planets in one sign. If your child was born with a stellium in their natal chart, you can be sure they’re going to specialize in something.  The larger the stellium, the more focused they’ll be. It’s sounds simple, but it’s not. Your child will exemplify the

Venus beauty

Venus, Love & Partnering

Venus in a natal chart shows what you’re attracted to. It will also show how you love and what you value. I have Venus in Leo. I like to be entertained. It follows I would not marry someone who did not entertain me. This is true and valid. But I would not marry just any

cat fight

Moon Square Moon In Synastry – Doomed?

The moon in your natal chart shows your emotional nature. If your moon squares your partner’s moon, your feelings about things can clash. Moon square moon may not show itself that dramatically until and unless the couple decides to live together.  At that point, they may find their concepts of what constitutes “homey and comfortable”

dog clone

Open Letter To Ex-Boyfriend Cloners

Are you an ex-boyfriend cloner? A lot of people are. Here’s how the story goes. You have a torrid love affair. The best sex of your life. Or maybe you feel you’ve met your soul mate, but something goes wrong and the relationship ends. He left her, she left him. Someone moved or was married

People With Outer Planets Prominent In The Natal Chart

Hi Elsa, I have Pluto conjunct my sun and square my moon natally. Does that mean that people born a year or two either side of me will carry that Pluto energy that messes with my sun and moon? I always felt somewhat uneasy around these people. Its like I am constantly challenged by them.


Mars, Psychological Games, Seduction & Manipulation

A friend copped to being “game-y” in relationships when she was younger. She described how she manipulated men by coming on strong and then backing off to keep their energy on her. She’d have them obsessing trying to figure out what she was up to. I was enthralled listening to her  because I’m her polar

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