23 year old marriage-minded Indian man seeks girlfriend in New York area

matchmakerI am not normally a matchmaker, but hey! I am up for this.

I know a young Indian man, he is 23.  He’s educated, he’s from a good family and he’s got a good job.  He funny, quirky, and attractive.  He’s on top his game in all ways.

He’s a Gemini with a Sagittarius Moon.  You will not be bored!

He is seeking an attractive Indian woman with a nice personality.  He will call you constantly so if you’re cold and not into having your phone blown up on occasion, this man is not for you!

Are you a marriage-minded Indian woman between 20 and 25, living in the Tri-State area, or do you know someone who is? If so, please email me @ [email protected] and I will put you in touch.

I hope everyone who sees this will help me spread this message far and wide.


pictured -The Matchmaker by Gerrit van Honthorst

22 thoughts on “23 year old marriage-minded Indian man seeks girlfriend in New York area”

  1. I know a few but sadly not in the tri-state area. =( Has he tried OKCupid.com? Its great for 20 somethings. I know of 3 couples who found their life partners via that dating site.

  2. I don’t think he has. He’s social and I suspect he just wants to meet someone naturally, or by introduction or something.

    He’s a catch, to tell you the truth. Otherwise I would not be doing this, though I am not kidding about the blow-up-your-phone thing.

    I just think a young woman could and would have a lot of fun with this guy. He’s young, she’s young. They can grow together – he’s into that.

  3. Darn, I’m not Indian and I live in the wrong area. Otherwise Id volunteer myself. I’m shameless like that, lol.

    I wish him luck on his journey to meet his future wife!

  4. I’m the right nationality but wrong age (42 and divorced). I’ll ask my 22 year old cousin who lives in Long Island if she’s interested. 🙂

  5. I have some Pakistani nieces in the right age group in NYC. Is he Muslim or Hindu & does religious orientation matter to him? (They’re Muslim & it might matter to them.)

    1. Thanks, yc. He is looking for an Indian girl. This is part of why I did this. I told him I found it hard to believe there were not many! But so far, I have had not one contact. 🙁

      1. Maybe he should check out shaadi.com. Indian matrimonial site–a little more serious than Ok Cupid.

        Hopefully you find him someone! One of my nieces is half Indian half Pakistani & very free-spirited & fun. I can maybe give her a heads-up.

  6. Free-spirited sounds fun. He’s got to find someone his parents will like. I’m sure you know more about it than I do.
    I think these young people caught between two cultures have a challenge.

    1. Yes, they really do. The family approval aspect of it is so strong.

      That said, I am kind of amazed at how well my American-born nieces & nephews are navigating this. They’re great kids. Maybe coming from a strong family structure strengthens them ultimately, even if the marriage & relationship stuff requires a lot of tact and caution.

  7. Well, I am pretty fascinated by it. The intellectual vs or plus what’s in your blood.

    This is a very brainy young man waking up to these things that are so deep they defy words in a way. His job is to link it all together.

    I’d admire him, because he’s trying to do exactly that. But he’d be a lot happier with a woman trying to do it with him,.

    I think he would make a girl happy. He’ll call ya know? And call and call and call. 🙂

    I would just think there is a girl out there who would like this kind of energy in their life. Even when he’s angsty, he’s quite hilarious.

    I dunno. Maybe I project. I married someone who never bores me and I’m very happy. My husband has the Gem/Sadge opposition too. It never goes down for long. Cheer and fun and jokes are always *right there*.

  8. I have loooong thought you’d have a most excellent side business of this ilk, know its not your bag but with your teams insights WOW!!!

  9. I know a Indian woman in Cali (med graduate) at age 30, nice charming sweet lady, gemini sun/cancern moon/scorpio asc… if at all this is a matchmaking in astrology heaven despite distance and he doesn’t mind let me know 🙂

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