Jupiter: Luck, Faith & Perspective

frozen-hosebib_0Recently, we had a cold snap in Colorado. We had a week where the temperature never rose above 10 degrees…and fell below 0 each night.  I don’t crave the frigid temperatures, but there is nothing a person can do but wait out the cold spell.

It shows a person how little they have to say about such things.  The temperature is not going to rise about X degrees for Y number of days and if you don’t like it, tough!

Everyone has some luck. Everyone has a gift (Jupiter). It’s so easy to take this stuff for granted.

I take it for granted that the cold spell will last a week, not a month, but really, how do I know that?  I don’t think that. I have faith this is the case, what else could it be?

I have a lot of ideas.  Every day I wake up with thoughts and ideas and things to write about. I have more ideas then I could ever manage to write down. This is just my life.

I take this for granted. I have faith my ideas will continue to flow and be there when I need them.

But what if they weren’t? What if I woke up one day and the lights were out? The light in my mind, I mean.  What could I do about it?

What if the temperature in Colorado dropped below 10 degrees and stayed there for a month or two or three?  What could I do about it?

This made me realize I lack gratitude.  It’s a major good fortune to wake up every days with ideas, overflowing. I know I am not the source of them. The ideas come through me and turn into words that show up on this page.

It’s no small miracle, do you know where I came from?

Do you have a gift you take for granted?

10 thoughts on “Jupiter: Luck, Faith & Perspective”

  1. Avatar
    curious wanderer

    Right now, I’m taking my whole life for granted. I’m working on it, as I’m practiced in cultivating gratitude. I’m just in a low point.

  2. We act as if Nature owes us something. As Tom Waited put it “All over the world people talk about the weather..it’s the same…” I know where your coming from living in MI. It’s to cold, to hot, just right, then wait it changes. We drove across state for Thanksgiving. There was a magical white wonderland for part of the trip. It looked like something from a fantasy movie. Surreal. I’m not a native here and have grown to love the change of seasons. My gift is my flexibility to change with the childlike wonderment of the world I live in.

  3. Jupiter in my 11th, in Gemini.. I have the gift of being able to see the “big picture”, and too often I take it for granted. Worse, I sometimes forget not everybody’s gifted with the same ability, and I sometimes get mad at my closest ones for this reason. Which is very rude!

  4. Jupiter at Libra, right at the border line of 5th and 6th house.

    I don’t take anything in this world granted. I don’t have any gift. I’m not lucky at all. Whole life I had to struggle to get anything. I have Saturn at 12th house, Taurus. Whatever I have I keep saying to my mind “don’t fall love with them” 🙂

    As a Taurus ASC, its difficult to pray for “Let Go Let God” … still I try my best to keep me prepare.

    1. “Everyone has some luck. Everyone has a gift (Jupiter). It’s so easy to take this stuff for granted.”

      I too find this very hard to believe. My family is horrid, my friends, even ones I’ve done a lot for, betray me. I’ve had no income for the past two years. I have a gift yes, I’m psychic, but it does me NO good. It doesn’t pay the bills or get a Christmas present for my Mom.

  5. My Jupiter is in Sagittarius, in the 12th house. Sag ascendant with Neptune sitting in the 1st fogging the lens.
    Not sure what my gift is yet. But I feel the hand of the universe holding me up.

  6. I have been thinking the same thing but in a slightly different way. My mother’s Jupiter is in my 1st house, she is a constant source of protection and generous gifts and support. She is elderly and I found out recently she may be very ill. What happens if she ‘goes out’ of my life? Does the synastry remain? Will the light go out? It’s a big thing for me.

  7. “This made me realize I lack gratitude. It’s a major good fortune to wake up every days with ideas, overflowing. I know I am not the source of them. The ideas come through me and turn into words that show up on this page.”
    Very wisely and sincerely.

  8. I have jupiter in the 2nd house..leo. I usually get what I need, but of course always want more. I am lucky that money seems to come my way, but it is never a whole lot of money. family members send me money as gifts and I have had several class action lawsuits I was merely there and rec’d cash from…as far as my gift? I’ve no clue. I do have wonderful ideas of inventions and things to create but rarely follow through or finish.

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