A Marvel To Witness

kittens1.jpgThe soldier quit his job today and his boss is of course, having kittens. He quit in Special Forces soldier style which has been astonishing to witness. Let’s just say when the man is going to execute, he is going to execute and it’s only after he’s gone that you have time to register who and what you have just encountered… after you get your jaw off the floor that is. It’s when you get your jaw off the floor that you start to comprehend you were dealing with a force of nature… all along.

Anyway, he turned in the truck at the terminal, the mother cat is actually his dispatcher who has been calling him since. He finally picked up the phone and apparently the guy was devastated.

“Come back. You were my best driver. I liked working with you. Why don’t you just go home and think about… don’t quit. You come back… come back, dpn’t go…”

The soldier told him he would not be coming back..

“Okay, okay but will you call me sometime?”


To quote fellow Taurean, Taj Mahal, “You don’t miss your water till your well run dry.”

And as to the astrology… well the solar return is comin’ in. New year, BAY-BEEEEE

4 thoughts on “A Marvel To Witness”

  1. Heh, I should do that, Neith. I look for any excuse to avoid changing…any at all? anyone? please? 😛

    Happy birthday to the soldier- the solar return around now is looking good!

  2. LOL! Love that man’s style! Taurus all the way!

    I’ve noticed Fixed sign types in general like to make their changes as fast as possible and settle in the new routine quickly. That way it’s easier to pretend they didn’t do something as unsettling as make a Change!! 😀

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