Recently, I watched someone develop a crush on a man. I’m not sure if it’s due to the Libra in my chart, or my Venus in Leo, but I was delighted by this. A person with a crush beams and glows.
As first, I thought this meant that anyone could get a crush. You could be 70 years old and see someone that flipped your heart and made it flutter and pant. But now I wonder..?
I wonder if some are too old to have a crush. They’re hardened off in some way.  I hope this isn’t the case, but I think it may be.
What do you think? Are crushes only for the young or young at heart? Â Where is your Venus?
I think it’s more about shame than being hard f heart like you’re supposed to be too mature or something and maybe that’s bullshit but I bet I’d have that mental cycle and it could make me feel bad because crushes were
I’m not sure if it’s due to the Libra in my chart, or my Venus in Leo, but I was delighted by this.
I’m thinking Libra because I’m thinking ‘good to for them’ and I have Libra. Also, I would think Venus in Leo would be much concerned with people developing a crush on Venus in Leo. 😉
I wonder if some are too old to have a crush. They’re hardened off in some way. I hope this isn’t the case, but I think it may be.
I’d think that even the young could be closed off. There’s also social disapproval of old people acting youngish. At any rate, my grandmother crushed on Bill Clinton plenty so I don’t think it’s automatic to not crush on people when you’re older.
Are crushes only for the young or young at heart? Where is your Venus?
A crush is a form of love so not getting a crush suggests an inability to love. Some people are like that, which is sad.
[‘Venus in Libra, which is shallow, I think, but nice!’]
Crushes are wonderful they are especially fun to watch. I have a crush on my husband still after 19 years of living together. He just makes my heart sing.
Of course people of any age can have crushes. They can fall in love. They can marry. Than can rekindle passion. They can lust. Love begins in the mind and spreads to the heart and body. I’ve 4 planets in Libra, including Venus – I’ve always been a bit ashamed of my 1st and 2n house Libra, because I’m a Sag Sun I felt my it weakened me. I put the ones I love on a pedestal and see them in a fantastic light. It begin with my sister who was 9 years older than me. I thought she was the most beautiful creature in the world by the time I was five. Every facet of her fascinated me, and then when boys came along I felt the same about the one that was special. At age 25 I met a man who outshone anyone and everyone. 38 years later he is still my ideal man – a huge crush. I’m 64. Old by 64% of the populations view and I still crush on beauty, great art and human goodness.
Venus in Leo here… Love it, every age, for everyone! A cherished and sweet, sweet part of life.
Crushes light me up and also make me, sometimes, incredible awkward! ?
My 5th house planets sun (Aqua) and Venus (Cap) LOVE that people can have crushes at any age, on any gender, on any thing! It’s a love and an excitement and an admiration!
Of course crushes are for people of all ages! My mom married again at 67 and it saved her life at the time. I am 58, widowed for 8 years and recently met this man whose Libra Sun and True Node conjunction falls on my Ascendant. Poof. I am a Sag sun with Mars and Moon in Scorpio so isn’t it great that his AC is conjunct my Moon? And I did nothing, I didn’t even look for him. I know many people beyond 60 and up to their 80s who live on crushing and could not care less about their age. VoilÃ
Never too old–this 68 year old says so! With five planets in Leo, how do I NOT have crushes? I’m good at them! It’s a wonderful life!
I am boy crazy, prominent Venus in Aries, and I become a complete stalker when I have a crush, trine Sadge Uranus, sextile Gemini Mars. I think it is not so cute. I think this is the longest I’ve gone without a crush, but it’s not because I’m too old or hardened!
You’re never too old to have a crush, even if it’s just a movie-star crush, where you start watching all of someone’s movies or you can’t wait for their weekly TV program.
Working in retirement communities I have seen This as well. People in their 80s up to 90s meeting in the community and falling in love. One couple would meet in front of the community fireplace sit in the love seat and fall asleep holding hands. Another couple we referred to as Richard and Elizabeth. He was a scorpio still handsome in his 90s and was seeing a lady in her 80s that was still taking care of herself, very attractive, Of course this upset quite a few of the ladies that he had spent time with that were crushing on him. Working with these residents was one of the best experience of my life.
My Venus is in Libra, so I always have crushes on just about er’ man I meet;however I think my Cancer rising has me afraid of rejection, so I keep my crushes to myself!
BTW, I’ll be 66 soon, and I have a major crush on someone, not sure how long it will las, but what the heck!!! That’s how we Libra’s roll!
I have a weirdo Venus in Aquarius in the sixth but I also have a tight moon Neptune square. I’ve been having crushes since I was a toddler. God help me, I can see myself in the nursing home mooning over some toothless Capricorn while playing BINGO.
LOL Yup! Something to look forward to, right?! And why not? ?
Hahaha! Hellll yeah! 🙂
Does lusting over someone count?
No. Lust is Mars. ♤♡♢♧
Sorry for the late reply. Yeah, Mars is pretty fleshly and salacious!
Libra Venus conjunct Scorp sun in the 2nd.
From nursery school on, I have literally never had a day in my life I didn’t have a crush on somebody. From a neighbor to a person I see daily to someone famous or notable in their field. Plenty of questionable choices, lol. After I think- ewww. But I can’t imagine not having someone on my mind. Even with a partner. I do have Leo Jupiter in the 11th and that does make it easy to meet people I’m interested in so– funnily enough, sometimes I hold back because I just don’t want to get tangled up.
Many, many people are ready to jump on romance in a second. Ah, l’amour….,?
Libra Venus conjunct Scorp sun in the 2nd.
I’m not close together like that on the border of Libra/Scorp (my ascendant is) – Venus is early in Libra and the Sun is late in Scorp. But…
From nursery school on, I have literally never had a day in my life I didn’t have a crush on somebody.
See, I could say this if I said there was always some cute girl I was spiffed on. But what I would call an actual crush where you’d gush over someone is rare rare rare. Too picky and too loyal.
I do have Leo Jupiter in the 11th and that does make it easy to meet people I’m interested in so
Jupiter in Virgo is entirely opposite.
Many, many people are ready to jump on romance in a second.
Oh, I know what it is: you don’t have a harsh Saturn/Venus aspect and I do.
[‘A curse.’]
you’re NEVER too old to have a crush (says the venus in sag 😉
I don’t think I’m too old to have a crush, I do think I’m too jaded though. Anymore I’m like “same old shite, different face”.
Yes!! Exactly 100% this. Love has the power to heal but the illusion of it has the ability to destroy!
Venus in Capricorn conjunct the descendant, opposite Saturn in the first: no one’s ever too old, and if they are it’s not because of their age. 🙂
I am one of those libra sun & leo venus I adore my new love. He is italian , lovely skin, green eyes and lovely voice I could go on. I am 44. He is 39.
Welcome, saka. 🙂