“Cock-Blocking” – It’s Mars (Raw Male) Energy, What Can I Say?

75% of those who voted feel that (heterosexual) men and women can be platonic friends. I agree but I also think cock-blocking is universal when it comes to men. Do you know what that is? It’s when one man gets in the way of another man getting the girl. I have never met a man in my life who did not engage in this to one degree or the other, conscious or otherwise so I have concluded this is organic.

Women cock-block too, I’ll get to that. But right now I wonder if you’ve ever noticed this. I’ll tell you how it works because someone is cock-blocking my 12-year-old daughter at this very moment.

My daughter has been texting this boy she met through a friend. He is church-y boy who is 14… and in high school. I have had my eye on this situation, it is her first real involvement with a boy and the texts are flying 30 and 40 a day.

Couple weeks went by and as of Monday my daughter has a boyfriend at school. It’s real sweet. They are holding hands at lunch, apparently she is a freak and he is a hippie and they are jointly teased and don’t care. So my daughter tells the first boy she has a boyfriend and what’s he say?


Now do you think he means that? ::smiles::

So now the first boy is coming to visit my daughter on the weekend “as friends”. Think he is going to try to undermine boy number 2? I do. He is coming over to compete, this is Mars in nature.

And it is not some teen and pre-teen phenomena by a shot. I really think it’s in the blood. I have male friends, I always have. And I have always had them undermine my lover in ways that are subtle if not overt. Mars wants to win, PERIOD. Even if Mars is doesn’t want you and isn’t going to have you, this does not mean they want some other cock having you!

Sometimes you don’t see it until you break up with the guy and it is at this point the male friend will nail the coffin shut, make sure that cock does not get back up and get back in there. And I don’t think this is malicious (though it can be). I just think it is.

So what about you? Is there a cock-blocker in your life?

Skip to Cock-Blocking Women – There Are No Shortage Of Them

11 thoughts on ““Cock-Blocking” – It’s Mars (Raw Male) Energy, What Can I Say?”

  1. this entire article just kept me giggling….
    ah, well, maybe possibly kind of… but my best friend does more of it than my guy friends.

    but they do, too…

  2. I think the answer to this question would have to be yes, though it’s not a malicious cock-blocking…I’m not sure it’s even conscious on my friend’s part. No one I meet is “good enough” but at the same time he’d love to see me happy with someone, but I’m “too picky”…and no, he doesn’t want me. 😉

    I find it amusing. 🙂

  3. Super concept!!! So True!! Especially in “macho countries” like where I live!!
    Even if you mention it to “The supposed Friend” that they are “Cock-blocking” (so cool)
    they don’t get it. They go blank. maybe it has to do with the reptilian brain (mars). They go completely “blackout”.

    The worst “cock-blocking” (I love this!, I’m going to make it a trend in Greece, I’ll give you full credit 🙂 I ever encountered was with my very best straight Male friend, who hadn’t ever expressed any overt homosexual tendancies, finally “came out” by “cock-blocking”. I brought my new boyfriend to my Male friends house for a party, and after a couple bottles of wine and dancing I go into the kitchen, and my “friend” is kissing my new boyfriend and had buried is head on my boyfriends chest. It was surreal. Now that was both a first experience for the two of them. So I kinda felt compassion but on the other hand,
    I didn’t know who to be angry at first. MY “friend” for stealing my boyfriend, or my boyfriend for stealing my friend!

  4. This is so true. I’ve done it when I was about 19. I met a guy who I became friends with. I also knew he had a girlfriend who he was having problems with at the time. Even though I knew I didn’t want him, I knew he wanted me so I would go out to lunch with him everyday. At the time I didn’t think of it that way. But it was. It was in a non-aggressive, subtle way (Mars in Cancer style). Funny when I think about it now.

  5. Wow, I’d never thought of that.
    I think I had a cock-blocker all through high school. And it was probably the epithom of cock-blocking because he liked me and overtly told me so. But he was my friend and I needed him, so I never thought of the harm he could be doing to my other relationships. Instead of undermining them, he prevented them from the start just because he was there.

  6. I married him, seriously! Way back in the stone age I worked at a bar that a lot of Air Force guys came too. Apparently, my husbands’ roommate “saw” me first and told him that after work he was going to go to the bar and ask me out. My now husband, took off work early and asked me out before his room mate could. I never knew until months later. Now that’s cock blocking at its best.

  7. Oh god, this is hilarious. But I’m going to have to think about it because I have had lots of male friends in the past and I don’t think they did this.

  8. Yes! OMG this is hilarious, kept me giggling all the way through. Love it.

    Yes, I’ve had cock-blocking going on for a good while now.. almost to the point of having a cock fight! Seriously. My best guy friend and my ex do NOT like each other at all, and they almost came to blows over how my ex was treating me, and how my guy friend (who I’m now dating) felt about it. When things would get really bad between my ex and I, I would run to him because he knew what to say and do to make me feel better. When my ex found out about this, he would actually come to my house while me and my guy friend would be hanging out, just to make sure nothing happened between him and I. We both thought it was ridiculuous but in all honesty, my guy friend and I had a mutual thing for each other the entire time but we knew what we could and couldn’t do, so nothing really happened. He actually helped put the nail in the coffin on my relationship with my ex because he and I both came to the conclusion that my ex was a very selfish man and I could no longer handle his dramatic bs & poor me syndrome. So yeah, some major cock-blocking going on there 😛 But I found it to be beneficial in the end, even though it caused a lot of drama in the beginning.

    Thanks for writing about this topic!!! Very interesting. 🙂

  9. Yeah, there is some cock blocking going on here, for sure. But I had to pause over the kids teasing the “freak” and “hippie.” Why is this so universal? Is ridicule just a rite of passage? My best friend and I were picked on relentlessly on the bus as early high schoolers… every day. The mean words stay with me ’til this day! They don’t affect me emotionally of course, but it was a sad time that I remember very clearly. I’m glad they found each other even if it was fleeting preteen puppy love.

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