Author name: Satori

Pisces Sun, Capricorn Moon, Leo Rising

boy helios

Weekend Love Forecast – Approaching The New Scorpio Moon

Friday night, the Libra Moon approaches the south node and a square to Pluto in Capricorn as Scorpio Mars opposes retro Uranus in Taurus. Negative anticipation, the feeling that anything could happen is a mood; but it’s also a reality. It’s something, deep, volcanic, primal and cardinal. Controlled, controlling. The fact remains that “anything” could

Venus and Mars

Weekly Forecast: November 6-10, 2023 – Mercury And Venus Change Sign

All day Monday, Mercury in Scorpio chases a trine to retro Neptune, catching it by evening. By the time it does, Mercury has also picked up a sextile to Pluto. Fantasy bubbles to the surface, affecting attitudes, senses, and communications. Eventually we get acclimated to the ideal and are motivated to invoke the subtle power


Weekend Love Forecast – Saturn Direct

Saturn has been retrograde since forever, right? Since mid-June, if we’re being precise, but Saturn can make it seem like an eternity. While there’s been progress, that progress has been hard-won. It takes work! It takes tenacity and circumspection. With Saturn retrograde in Pisces, it also takes faith.

Jane trees

Weekend Love Forecast – Full Moon Eclipse In Taurus

Friday night is perfect for late October spooky times! The active Aries Moon conjoins the north node, pulling us toward the seemingly inevitable future. Its innate connection to Mars draws in the seasonal trifecta of Sun-Mercury-Mars in Scorpio. A late-night square to Pluto seals the deal.

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