
Advice on anything and everything under the sun!


I Want To Pick Your Brain

“In fashionable society one never insists, but listens with complacency to every kind of nonsense. He is not there to teach or correct; not if he belong there, to learn, but to wear fine clothes and to eat and drink.” – J.L. Spalding, 1901 I was six years old the first time someone told me, “I

How To Deal With The Sun, Saturn, Neptune T-Square

Mike writes on Mutable T-Square – Sept 2, 2016: “Perhaps this transit explains my melancholy. But I wonder if someone is to resolve this t-square, what do they do?” The Sun in Virgo will square Saturn in Sagittarius and oppose Neptune in Pisces, end of August, 2016 through the first part of September, 2016. This

I’m Tired Of Kissing Frogs!

Dear Elsa, I am an attractive young woman who makes male friends very easily. In fact I make female friends easily too, but I tend to have more in common with men and generally enjoy those relationships more, based on my hobbies, professional interests, and maybe the fact that I grew up with an older

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