
Advice on anything and everything under the sun!

30 Year Old Pisces Man Feels Pressured To Get His Personal Life Together: Neptune in the 7th House, Venus Trine Neptune

Dear Elsa, I turned 30 this year and I feel pressure to get my personal life together. There is a girl in my life that I am attracted to. She gets along with my friends and we have fun together. I know she is interested in something more serious. But I still find myself hesitating.

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Critical, Controlling Sagittarius Mans: Moon Conjunct Pluto

Dear Elsa, I’ve moved back to spend some time with my family, after being away for about 10 years with no visits at all for the last 5 years or so. I’ve never been very into my family and while I’ve kept it “cordial” with them over the years, we’ve been having very exaggerated blowups

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