
Patterns in relationship

ElsaElsa ask the collective

Can You Respect A Man You’ve Cheated On?

This is for women who have cheated on their husband, or their ex-husband or their boyfriend, ex-boyfriend, etc.  If you don’t want to answer under your usual screen name, please feel free to use a fake one. Never mind why you cheated.  Let’s say you cheated and now you want to repair and/or restore your […]

Pisces Know-It-All

Dear Elsa, I have a most annoying problem of understanding people. Really understanding them. I can see what motivates them, what drives them, what leads them. If someone is trying to fool me, pull the wool over my eyes if you will, I can see it. And I know the why of it. And I

Virgo In Love (With Scorpio)

I wrote this for a client. I am sure many of you can relate. “You’re quite earthy and Scorpio is a good match for you. Pluto in Scorpio in your chart is very well aspected, as is Saturn in the sign. I think Scorpio sets off positive things for you and the problems you have

my cousin vinny

How Many Soulmates Does A Person Have?

Last night my husband and I watched My Cousin Vinny. We were struck at how similar we were to Vinny and his fiance, Mona Lisa Vito. They had great chemistry. Watching them, they could possibly be better matched.  Appearances are irrelevant in this movie.  These souls belong together.

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